A story with tens of thousands of articles.

A story with tens of thousands of articles.
life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

questions and answers about fees ghost writer.

Need a professional writer? Fiction and non-fiction? contact richard.nata@yahoo.co.id





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Fees & Questions

What will it cost if you hire me as your book ghostwriter?

As Your Book Ghostwriter, I am committed to providing you with my professional services as ghostwriter, editor, or book coach at reasonable and competitive rates. I’m also dedicated to clear, open communication in all our agreements and expectations. I will quote a project fee after we discuss some important factors: length of book, research required, how many sources will be interviewed, estimated timelines, etc.
If you have been searching for the right ghostwriter, you may know that book ghostwriting fees vary widely. Some surveys indicate a median fee of $25,000 to $30,000 for a standard length book of 150-225 pages. In my 18 years of ghostwriting books for women and men of all ages and backgrounds, my goal has always been to keep my professional fees affordable, to serve as many people as possible. So for all the books that I work on as a ghostwriter, I make every effort to arrive at a project fee within or below that median. We will discuss your particular needs in our free initial consultation. If you are sincere about writing a book, and you decide that I’m the right person to help you do it, we’ll explore how to make it happen.

How long will it take to complete your book?

The time needed to go from planning your book to having a completed, edited book ready for publication depends on such factors as: the number of interviews and other research needed, your availability, your needs for turnaround time, etc. A typical timeline for interviewing, writing, and revising a book is seven to nine months. Your book may take about that long or a little longer.

Am I able to travel to meet you?

I regularly travel all across the U.S. and beyond to work with my book ghostwriting clients. Wherever you need me to go to do the best work on your book, I’ll be there. You simply cover my basic travel costs, in addition to the project fee.

Who will be the “real” author of your book?

As Your Book Ghostwriter, my name will not appear on your book cover, unless you request a different arrangement. Otherwise, you are the only author noted on the book cover and on all references to the book among booksellers or any other forum.

What about Copyright and royalties or sales from your book?

It’s all yours! The Copyright would be secured and maintained in your name, and you retain any and all proceeds from book sales or royalties. My compensation, unless otherwise arranged, is only for the actual work I do as covered by our project fee and agreement.

Will I ensure confidentiality of your story or any relevant information?

Absolutely. We can put that in writing if needed.

If you choose Your Book Ghostwriter, will you be working with me or some other ghostwriter in a group?

I do not work within a group or agency. I only accept projects that I will be handling myself.

Where can I find additional useful information about ghostwriting services, and about writing and publishing books?

Here is a link to a website article I wrote to describe how I ghostwrite memoirs: (http://www.memoirsbyme.com/ghostwriting.html)
This is a blog about my memoir ghostwriting that appeared on the Association of Ghostwriters website:http://associationofghostwriters.org/ghostwriting-memoirs-opens-doors-to-wondrous-new-worlds/
For information about ghostwriting rateshttp://deardrfreelance.com/2010/10/freelance-ghostwriting-rates/
To learn more about the rapid growth of self-publishing:
Looking ahead, here’s a great article about how to market and promote your own book:
Here are several additional links that may be helpful with general information:

Let’s Discuss Your Project Today!

When you contact me for a free consultation, we will go over all the specific arrangements that would apply to your project. As Your Book Ghostwriter, I hope you will find that I offer a rare combination of professional skills and experience, diverse life experiences, and the personal approach to build a trusting and creative relationship. Let’s see what we can co-create together for your book!

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Need a professional writer? Fiction and non-fiction? contact richard.nata@yahoo.co.id


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The full articles that talks about this: 

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Thank you.
Lord Jesus bless you.
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