A story with tens of thousands of articles.

A story with tens of thousands of articles.
life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ghost Writing Services Costs, Rates and Fees: OUR GHOST WRITER PRICES.

Need a professional writer? Fiction and non-fiction? contact richard.nata@yahoo.co.id





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Ghost Writer Prices

Ghost Writing Services Costs, Rates and Fees:


Ghost Writer, Inc.’s ghost writing and editing fees are some of the lowest, considering the top quality of our professionals and services, in the legitimate ghost writing industry. Ordinarily, we take all of our ghost writer payments upfront, during the completion of a book manuscript, screenplay or other work. We rarely accept “on spec” or percentage payments, although we might do so if such an agreement is accompanied by a substantial upfront payment. But you won’t find better quality ghost writing anywhere else on the Internet or in the world – for the best professional freelance ghost writing rates and ghost writer prices in America.


When figuring out the length of a work, it’s always best to go by word count. Each 100 double-spaced pages of a book manuscript should contain around 25,000 words. The price of a ghost writer will often be determined by your total word count, although we also go by the actual amount of work involved in the writing and editing processes, and the experience level of the ghost writer. We have some authors who can write a 25,000+ word book for as little as $6,000 USD. However, our rates usually go up to $10,000-25,000 ($10-25K) for a 200-300 page book. Ask us directly about our children’s book pricing – it’s usually much lower and separate from our mainstream book pricing. We also have higher end writers, with a lot more experience, who charge $30,000-$50,000 a book. Celebrity ghost writers command six figures as a general rule. Very rarely, we may work for a percentage or “on spec” for celebrity, famous works and revenue-generating, timely “in the news” projects. This is generally in combination with a significant upfront payment as well as 15% of the net sales of a book or 5% of the net sales of a movie.
These payments for all our hard work and ghost writing services enable us to professionally ghost write, copy edit, proofread, research, rewrite, fact check, format, and otherwise create writing, full photography and illustrative work on your 200-800 page book manuscript. We charge similar affordable rates for our film and TV scripts, as well as our music and lyrics projects. We can “bundle” charges on a book and related film or TV screenplay project, charge less per book for a contracted series of books, or charge hourly rates when needed. We can also provide you with treatments, proposals, queries or any such other accompanying documents as needed. And we offer an effective agent query service that will probably land you a literary agent and a commercial book publisher, too!


Usually, when more work is involved our fees will be higher. However, lower fees such as $1K-$3K are possible when your project is small, such as less than 25,000 words; your longer manuscript or screenplay is nearly complete and only needs line editing; you hire one of our low-cost student or more affordable experienced ghost writers; or if a lot less actual work is involved in your ghost writing project. Also, our book rewriting rates are negotiable, but tend to be around $2K to $5K, depending on the style of editing involved. Screenplay and music editing charges vary depending on the ghost writer or editor, but are similar to the above costs for books in a lot of cases. For minor jobs such as basic line editing combined with proofreading, we often charge around $500-750 for both book manuscripts and screenplays, for example. We also offer full editing services in all types of editing, such as line, grammar/syntax, color, style, content and developmental editing, and full proofreading, formatting, indexing, APA styling, book cover, layout, illustration and photography services as needed. In any case, we will do our best to keep within your budgetary limits, whether they are small, medium or large.
Our ghost writing fees also depend on the amount of your GWI referred ghost writer’s career experience. We have some New York Times best selling authors who routinely ghostwrite celebrity memoirs. These are bid for on an individual basis. Please inquire through email for our film/TV script and screenplay ghost writing fees, which vary individually for each writer. We offer both union and non-union scale screenwriters, and can go below Writers Guild of America rates. These fees are only for the creation and authoring aspects of your project; but our ghost writer services also provide you with book, manuscript, screenplay and film sales platform and promotional marketing services.
Ghost Writer, Inc.’s promotions and marketing services for books come in highly affordable price ranges, such as $550-$5K+ for a professional book proposal, a video book trailer with wide distribution, marketing training modules, social media services, an author’s blog, press releases, article writing and publication, TV and radio ads, and a book sales website, among many other services. Rates for ghost writing your screenplays – and screenplay or script promotions and marketing – vary widely according to the GWI referred provider; but we generally charge well below any of the high-priced industry standards. For example, one of our great package fees for submitting a query to a literary, book or media agent is only $550, with half due upon sending it out and the other half due upon acceptance by the agent. Through one of our partners, we offer you a query creation and submitter service with a 90% success rate at landing literary agents and commercial book publishers, which is for our select book clients writing for the top selling literary genres. As for our music and lyrics work, we send projects to a discrete list of writers and other industry artists. We can find you someone in nearly any music genre for reasonable prices who will do remarkable work for you.

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Need a professional writer? Fiction and non-fiction? contact richard.nata@yahoo.co.id


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