A story with tens of thousands of articles.

A story with tens of thousands of articles.
life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

How to make a story with tens of thousands of articles?

English - Indonesia.

Hasil gambar untuk gambar tumpukan kertas
Source image: http://tsavie.blogspot.com/2012/02/numpuk.html

How to make a story with tens of thousands of articles?

Actually it's easy to create a story with tens of thousands of articles in it. You simply make one article each day then you will get 365 articles in a year. If you can make two articles each day then you will get 730 articles in a year. If you can make three articles each day then you will get 1095 articles in a year.

Within 10 years, then you will get 10,950 articles. Within 20 years, then you will get 21,900 articles. Within 30 years, then you will get 32,850 articles.

This is of course beneficial for the author because the cost of living writer for 30 years into the future has been secured.

If someone has a talent in writing a story so he can make ten or more pages of a book every day. If used as the article so he could make 5 articles or more each day.

So the time to make tens of thousands of articles can be accelerated.

The full articles that talks about this:
5. You are the main character in the story you are reading. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/you-are-main-character-in-story-you-are.html
6. life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/03/life-and-death-blessing-and-cursing.html
8. How to make a story with tens of thousands of articles? http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/03/how-to-make-story-with-tens-of.html
9. Read a story with a lot of choices on the web or blog is far more interesting than reading a book or books. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/read-story-with-lot-of-choices-on-web.html
10. In 10-20 years into the future to read the story in a book will be abandoned. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/in-10-20-years-into-future-to-read.html
11. Startup with earning millions - tens of millions of dollars annuallyhttp://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/startup-with-earning-millions-tens-of.html
12. Start-up strategy in order to earn millions to tens of millions of dollars annually. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/start-up-strategy-in-order-to-earn.html
13. Looking for investors for startup that produces millions to tens of millions of dollars annually. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/looking-for-investors-for-startup-that.html
15. If a story can generate tens of millions of US dollars, then what if made many stories? http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/if-story-can-generate-tens-of-millions.html
16. Conclusion: In theory, in 10-20 years into the future, my startup income, amounting to hundreds of million USD annually can be obtained easily. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/conclusion-in-theory-in-10-20-years.html


Bagaimana cara untuk membuat sebuah cerita dengan puluhan ribu artikel ?

Sebenarnya mudah untuk membuat  sebuah cerita dengan puluhan ribu artikel di dalamnya. Anda cukup membuat satu artikel setiap harinya maka anda akan mendapatkan 365 artikel dalam setahun. Jika anda bisa membuat dua artikel setiap harinya maka anda akan mendapatkan 730 artikel dalam setahun. Jika anda bisa membuat tiga artikel setiap harinya maka anda akan mendapatkan 1095 artikel dalam setahun.

Dalam waktu 10 tahun maka anda akan mendapatkan 10.950 artikel. Dalam waktu 20 tahun maka anda akan mendapatkan 21.900 artikel. Dalam waktu 30 tahun maka anda akan mendapatkan 32.850 artikel.

Hal ini tentu saja menguntungkan bagi penulis karena biaya hidup penulis selama 30 tahun ke depan telah terjamin.

Jika seseorang mempunyai bakat dalam hal menulis cerita maka ia dapat membuat sepuluh atau lebih halaman buku setiap harinya. Kalau dijadikan artikel maka ia bisa membuat 5 artikel atau lebih setiap harinya. Sehingga waktu untuk membuat puluhan ribu artikel bisa dipercepat.

Artikel lengkap yang membahas tentang hal ini :
5. You are the main character in the story you are reading. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/you-are-main-character-in-story-you-are.html
6. life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/03/life-and-death-blessing-and-cursing.html
8. How to make a story with tens of thousands of articles? http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/03/how-to-make-story-with-tens-of.html
9. Read a story with a lot of choices on the web or blog is far more interesting than reading a book or books. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/read-story-with-lot-of-choices-on-web.html
10. In 10-20 years into the future to read the story in a book will be abandoned. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/in-10-20-years-into-future-to-read.html
11. Startup with earning millions - tens of millions of dollars annuallyhttp://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/startup-with-earning-millions-tens-of.html
12. Start-up strategy in order to earn millions to tens of millions of dollars annually. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/start-up-strategy-in-order-to-earn.html
13. Looking for investors for startup that produces millions to tens of millions of dollars annually. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/looking-for-investors-for-startup-that.html
15. If a story can generate tens of millions of US dollars, then what if made many stories? http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/if-story-can-generate-tens-of-millions.html
16. Conclusion: In theory, in 10-20 years into the future, my startup income, amounting to hundreds of million USD annually can be obtained easily. http://richardnata.blogspot.com/2015/02/conclusion-in-theory-in-10-20-years.html

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