What is CashPiggy all about?
CashPiggy is a service that allows you to earn some cash in your spare time for your online activities.
Our aim is to revolutionise the 'Get Paid To' industry providing you different ways to earn money!
How can I make money online with CashPiggy?
You can get paid completing our External Offers, you can View Ads that pay you or you can play with the PigGrid game.
Every Offer or PTC ad have its own reward, complete them and once validated it will be added on your account!
How can I register?
CashPiggy is now in a Private Beta stage, open only to a selection of our AdFly users. Fill in your email in the "Notify me!" box so we can email you with good news!
Why I can't change my country?
We want to give you the best quality and with the best rates ads. We set you country from your IP address, because is what advertisers will see in their stats, and what they are paying for.
If the country shown is not the country you are (be sure you are not under any VPN) contact us!.
Why do you need the mobile phone verification?
This is the best way to verify a user is human, unique and from the country is connecting from. Yes, it's mandatory to do this verification because we want to give you the best quality and with the best rates ads.
Can I trust you?
This website is owned and operated by the same team behind AdFly, so you know it is a name you can trust. Our aim is to revolutionize the online GPT market and we welcome you to become a part of it.

Where is my money?
You can see your pending and available balance at your Profile Summary page. A balance is pending when their corresponding tasks are not approved yet. There, you can see a detailed activity log too, with the all the tasks you have done and their corresponding status.
On your Withdrawal page you can see detailed information of all the payouts done to your withdraw account.
Where can I withdraw my money?
During our private beta stage we will only be making payouts directly into your AdFly account, everyday. These payments can be viewed in the 'bonus' section on your AdFly Withdrawal page.
We will add PayPal, Payza and other payment processors as soon as possible.
There is neither ptcs nor offers for me to be completed. Why?
Ptcs and Offers are targeted for getting the best payouts. Maybe there's no tasks for your country or genre. Please, be patient as we grow and we get tasks so everyone can make money!
You can always play with the PigGrid and get some prizes!
Is there any Referral Program?
Yes! Check it out!
What’s offers all about?
We partner with lots of companies, advertisers and market research agencies who need people to complete their online surveys and offers, test out products and websites, and sign up for their free services.
After they contact us, we verify the offer is genuine, and then list it on When you sign up with us, you’ll be able to choose which to complete. When you complete an offer, the partner tells us, and we credit your account. It’s a great opportunity to earn cash, plus you get to experience and test out new products.
How long does it take to get paid?
We rely on our partners to tell us when an offer has been completed. Some send updates immediately; others can take a few days. Because of this, we ask that you contact us if you haven’t received payment within 7 days of completing an offer.
I've seen an offer I want to complete
Great! We recommend reading the partner’s Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and anything else relevant before starting the offer. We give you all the information we can, but sometimes the partner's website is more up-to-date.
It says 'Pending' next to an offer in my account
This appears next to offers you've accepted and marked as completed. After the partner tells us you've completed an offer, we will credit your account and it will no longer say 'Pending'. If you start an offer but don't complete it, it appears as 'pending' until we automatically remove it from your account.
I haven't been paid, even though I completed an offer
We rely on our partners to tell us when one of our members has completed an offer. Sometimes they tell us within hours; sometimes they take longer. If you haven't received payment within 7 days of completing an offer, please contact us.
I couldn't complete an offer. What can I do?
Please, report the Offer using the button on the bottom left of the instructions box.
I completed an offer, but the partner won't pay
This is rare, but there are several reasons why it can happen:
Already completed the offer:
Our partners don't want to use the same person for the same offer more than once.Offer cancelled too quickly:
A free trial require you to try the offer before deciding whether to continue or cancel. If you sign up and then cancel immediately, you're showing that you were never interested in trying it outIP address conflict:
If your IP address doesn't match the location or address you give, this appears as incorrect information the partner.Incomplete offer:
You may have closed the browser before completing the offer. For example, some partners require you to register or add your email address at the end of a survey or trial.Time-limit:
Some offers need to be started and finished within a certain time. Because of this, we recommend starting and finishing an offer during the same session.Discount/voucher code used:
Unless stated in the offer description, use of discount/voucher codes are not permitted at any stage of the offer.Fake/incorrect information:
If you give fake/incorrect information to a partner, you won't receive payment. This is against our Terms of Service, and we reserve the right to cancel your account if you do this. Our partners rely on genuine answers from genuine people only.Incorrect phone number:
Some offers ask for your phone number, so please check you've included the correct number.Not a 'first-time customer':
Some offers are only available to people who've never had any contact with the partner before.Prepayment card or gift card used when signing up for an offer:
Some offers involve signing up for a service for a free trial period. You give your card details at the start, and then cancel if you don’t want the service after the trial period finishes. Prepayment cards or gift cards are not to be used for this. We regard any attempt to use these cards, and any others for which you aren't authorised to use, as fraud, and your account will be closed with immediate effect.
I've registered, but I don't have many offers to choose from
We're adding new offers from new partners all the time. If you don't see many (or any) offers open to you in your region, please be patient — we're working on it!
I want to complain about one of your partners
We're sorry to hear this. If you wish to complain, please report it to us immediately, explaining why your reasons.
What is the difference between Cashpiggy and the other Offer sections
The offers under Cashpiggy sections are offers imported from best CPA networks and manually approved to appear in Cashpiggy.
The other sections (SuperRewards, Matomy, ...) are Offerwalls, these are widgets coming directly from offer networks.
PTC Ads (View ads)
How I get paid?
You just need to click on an add, verify you are a human with the provided CAPTCHA and wait.
How it works?
PigGrid is a chance game. The more you play the better your chances of finding that winning spot. We have a prize pool, and we show the list of winners. If you don't win, please keep trying as we will continue to give away prizes.
How I get a prize?
You can exchange a prize redeeming your points. You can get points in many differents ways, like clicking on some PTC Ads, completing offers or whatever indicated with points as reward!
What are the Piggies?
Piggies is the way we reward you in almost everything you do, so you always earn.
We are currently working on getting best deals so we can provide you the best sweepstakes where you will be able to enter using some Piggies. Stay tuned and collect some Piggies!
Whats the difference in having points and piggies?
You can redeem points in our prizes section and get the prize you wish
"We are currently working on getting best deals so you can spend thse Piggies! Stay tuned and collect them!
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