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Sunday, August 7, 2016

35 Ways To Get More Phone Leads With PPC & CRO

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35 Ways To Get More Phone Leads With PPC & CRO

by Johnathan Dane under PPC
Are you one of the many, hard-working, lead generating marketers who would rather have 50 phone leads than 100 form leads?
If so, it’s probably because it’s easier for you to seal the deal over phone than it is over email. Preaching to the choir right?
The good thing is that it’s been scientifically proven that phone leads close at higher rates compared to any other type of lead.
With form leads, you run into the problem of getting real visitors that leave fake contact info or have low intent, and maybe that’s because they’re not ready for you.
As more people are using their phones to search for things online and the explosion of call analytics, it’s now easier than ever to track and learn from your phone leads.
But how do you go about generating more phone leads with the same marketing budgets?
It’s simple.
Your goal is to convince the visitor that they’ll get more value from a phone call compared to the form that’s on your landing page or site.
Get ready to learn some scary effective ideas to get more phone leads. Ideas you can start using today.
Let’s get to work!

Why Phone Leads Are Important

Let’s be honest.
There’s a clear value discrepancy with all the different lead types out there.
Phone leads VS. form leads VS. chat leads VS. bought leads, etc.
Do you buy a list from a lead aggregator who also sells that list to 49 other companies? Or do you get your own exclusive leads?
One is cheaper and easier, while the other is more expensive and harder. But are they the same quality of leads? Heck no! You know that there’s only one way to truly win the lead game. Own your own leads.
Even though you can never guarantee that your lead is exclusive (the visitor could be comparison shopping you and your competition), having a way to control how you get your leads and how many you get, is critical to your growth as a company.
You may have a sales team that handles your leads, or maybe you still take care of them? But did you know that 70% of all mobile searchers will call a business directly from the search results? And if you don’t have a phone number present, 47% of visitors will be more likely to go to your competitors?
What’s even worse is that inbound form leads have been shown to only get contacted 27% of the time!
At the same time, people who fill out forms vs. people who call in are at different stages of the buying cycle. People who fill out forms could be looking for more information before they’re ready, while people who call in are usually ready to pull the trigger and buy today.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that phone leads are 300% more likely to close compared to form leads. This is also the reason why small to medium businesses name phone leads the mostvaluable type of leads available.

But you already know this – image source

Part 1: 15 AdWords Tricks

phone leads

1) Spell Out The Phone Number

Back in April of 2013, Google decided to stop allowing advertisers to use their phone numbers in their ad copy.
Because they knew people would sometimes dial the number directly from Google and not click on the ad, resulting in lost revenue for them. To combat this, we’ve seen multiple advertisers spell out phone numbers in their PPC ads so that Google’s automatic filter doesn’t prevent you from submitting the ad for review.
If you were relying heavily on being able to use your number in the extended headline in the past, this could be a new route for you. It could look like the ad below:
cta phone leads
Obviously not the prettiest, but could work for you, especially with vanity numbers.

You’d want to make sure your ad is in the top three spots on Google to be able to have your headline paired with your first description line. You accomplish this by simply adding a period at the end of that first description line.
But be careful! Using your headline for a phone number like that could also weaken your ad since you could use those valuable character spaces to explain your unique value propositions.
Play around with it and see how it changes your phone lead volume and overall PPC performance.
And make sure you’re tracking with unique phone numbers.

2) Call Extensions & The Click-To-Call Setting

If you’re already using AdWords, there’s a good chance you’re already using call extensions. If you are, awesome. Keep using them and keep testing them.
Call extensions are simply phone numbers you get to showcase alongside your text ads on the Google search engine results page (SERP). They look like the screen shot on the right:
adwords tricks
Those are call extensions ðŸ™‚

To use them with your ads, you’d want to go into your Ad extensions tab within your Google AdWords account and click on View: Call extensions in the drop down.
Once there, you can add a new call extension and decide whether or not you want to give the mobile searcher the option to click on the headline or call you, or only the option to call you.
We recommend testing out the latter to see how it affects the volume of your phone leads as it also forces the visitor to call if they want to get in touch with you.
adwords help
Here’s how to set it up in AdWords

But don’t take our word for it. A study by Google back in 2013 found that ads with call extensions saw an 8% higher click through rate.
This is what your AdWords ads will look like on mobile devices when you only allow the “Just the phone number” option.

phone numbers in display urls
Mobile click to call ad

Both the headline and the call button become click to call features where the visitor can’t see your page.
They can only click to call you.

3) Phone Numbers In Display URLs

This idea plays off of spelling out the number in your AdWords description line one.
If you use AdWords and/or Bing Ads, you can also showcase your phone number in the display URL, along with your call extension.
See what it looks like below:
phone leads with conversion optimization
Don’t make the mistake of having two different numbers however.

Be aware that all ad space is critical to use to convey value. Using phone numbers in your ad copy steals away character space for other value promoting sentences.
If you find that your CTR (click-through-rate) drops because of using a phone number in the display URL, be quick to switch back to specific keywords.
Giving up good CTR can negatively impact your quality scores and drive your cost per clicks up.

4) Phone Call Tracking

Did you know that the average small and medium business spends 46% of their marketing budget on digital channels?
That leaves 54% for other more traditional marketing avenues. In a sense, the average SMB could be using seven different marketing channels to drum up business.
But how do they track which channels are the most effective? Do you know how many phone conversions your AdWords is generating? How about your SEO? Or that sweet billboard you put up last month?
If you’re using the same phone number for all your marketing activities, then you’re just trying to grow your company through intuition and gut feelings.
“My sales people seemed busier when we launched that YouTube campaign”
can be a deadly sentence to speak. You might as well be a HiPPO.
conversion help with phone leads
Don’t worry about “science”, just go with it – image source

Phone call tracking allows you to assign unique phone numbers to the different marketing channels you’re using, to then record, track, and measure the ROI from them. By using a phone call tracking system, you’re able to quickly launch new marketing initiatives with dedicated phone numbers that allow you to track the performance. Yea, it’s a pretty huge no-brainer and something you should do.
Now go beyond that. Basic call tracking is a great way to track calls back to their keyword.
If you’re serious about maximizing call volume, consider investing in advanced call tracking or call intelligence tools. With call intelligence you not only get keyword-level tracking, you get user-level tracking so you can see when keywords drive calls that ultimately drive revenue.
This big-picture insight will help you make smarter decisions with your budget, keyword bidding and targeting strategy so you can get more of the calls you actually want.

5) Identify Call-Driving Keywords & Trends

If you’re not already working with a call analytics platform, start working with one asap. Call intelligence companies like Invoca, help you see which keywords you’re bidding on that result in phone leads
If you already know that you’d pay more per lead for a phone lead compared to a form lead, then using these keyword/call analytics can help you bid more aggressively on keywords that produce the highest call volume for you.
This is especially fun to use as bidding more aggressively on those call generating keywords can also result in better ad placements, higher clickthrough-rates, more visitors, and ultimately, more phone leads.
You can also easily sync your call tracking stats with your Google Analytics account and see the conversion stats inside your AdWord account. You can then see which keywords and ads aredriving you the most calls, and lower bids on the stuff that doesn’t.
Saving you money every month.
With advanced call intelligence solutions, you can capture key call data like callers’ geographic location, trends in day and time of calls, and call durations. You can even differentiate between new and repeat calls and capture demographic data at the same time.
Use these insights to optimize and inform ad targeting and serving. Serve call-driving ads during peak days and times for call volume. Then schedule your best sales reps and closers around those days and times. You can even use mid modifiers to target people in the regions most likely to call.
Oh, and before we forget, you can also use call intelligence tools to measure the quality and outcomes of your calls.
This way, you only increase your bids on keywords that are actually driving worthwhile calls. It’s like, the best time to be a marketer.

6) The Call To Action Of Calling

When it comes to using PPC ads as the main driver of new business, it’s super vital that yourcall to action in the ad matches the call to action on the landing page.
What you tell the person in the ad is what their attention will focus on while on your landing page. Are you being vague about the action you want them to take?
If so, you might as well send me the $5 you just paid for your worthless ad click. By taking the guesswork away and being clear from the ad to the landing page, you stand a greater chance of achieving a phone call instead of a form lead. Take the Orkin ad to the right as an example:
phone leads guide
Notice all the sitelinks being used as the call to action of “calling”.

We clicked on the ad (sorry Orkin), and we were transported to this “beauty” of a landing page: Obviously Orkin wanted us to pick up the phone. Their ad told us to call four times, then their landing page featured their phone number, in bright red, four times, three of which were located in the header.
Then we noticed the insanely long form with no less than eight required fields. Clearly, making a phone call was the best option for taking action.
best phone lead tips
How obnoxious is your form?
By giving people the option to fill out a form, you stand a great chance of not alienating a visitor if they actually do want to do that instead of calling you.
So always test leaving the lead capture form while you try to improve the call volume. By the way, did you notice how the Orkin ad didn’t have a call extension?
Maybe they found better results without using one, or maybe they just forgot it?

7) Retargeting Ads With Phone Numbers

You’ll almost always have more visitors who don’t convert compared to people who do convert (we’ve seen conversion rates higher than 50%, but it’s rare).
That means your audience for retargeting people who didn’t convert will be enormously big. Which gives plenty of opportunity to up your phone conversions through phone number retargeting. What exactly is retargeting?
It’s the practice of having your image and/or text ads follow visitors around after they’ve left your landing page.
With retargeting, you’re allowed to use image ads that aren’t easily scanned by Google or other retargeting vendors who would prefer you not to have your phone number in your ads.
This means that you could literally designate a specific phone number for your retargeting ads and measure the phone leads directly from them. We’ve seen a 100 click/day AdWords account get an additional 2-3 calls/day from this idea alone.
selling with phone leads
Here’s a retargeting/display ad example

8) AdWords Website Call Conversions

Sometimes your visitors need a little more convincing to call you than what’s in your AdWords ad. And that’s okay.
We’re all very visual when we determine and judge who we want to do business with, so it makes perfect sense that people would want to scope you out before giving you a call. If pulling the trigger on a call analytics solution seems a little “too soon” for you, then Google has made it pretty easy to now start tracking visitor phone leads from your site or landing page that originated from an AdWords click.
All you’ll need to do is add a simple JavaScript and HTML code snippet to your site or landing page and AdWords will dynamically insert a number to then backtrack which keyword and ad were responsible for that phone call.
You’ll have to create a new AdWords conversion code within your account and make sure you set the source to “Calls to a Google forwarding number on your website”. And then, voilá, you simply follow the next two steps to add the codes to your site or landing page and you’re in website call conversion heaven.
mobile leads help

9) Mobile Specific Ads

Mobile specific text ads have proven to increase CTR when using them. And you know what that means. Higher CTR, means more clicks, and more clicks mean more potential phone leads.
Even though selecting a mobile preferred ad doesn’t guarantee that the ad will only show up on mobile searches, it helps you isolate and gives you the opportunity to fine tune and improve your mobile messaging.
Another thing to know is that Google has slowly started removing certain lines of description line 2 from mobile ads as they’ve found ads with ad extensions perform better when taking over. Just look at this Godiva ad:
mobile specific ads
Queue the chocolate covered strawberry cravings.

Notice how Godiva’s ad has been cut off. So make sure that you say the most important things, early in your ad, so text doesn’t get cut off. And when it comes to creating mobile ads.
You may be asking, how do you actually make them?
It’s actually very simple. Inside your ad creator within the AdWords interface, all you have to do is click inside the checkbox called “Device preference”.
get more phone leads
Just one checkbox

That’s it.

10) Target Mobile Devices More Aggressively

Take a look at your device metrics within your AdWords account and see if it makes sense to increase your mobile bid adjustments for higher ranking on mobile devices (compare your conversion costs to desktop).
To do so, simply go to the campaign (or entire account) and click on the “Segment” drop down to then click on “Device”. AdWords will then show you a breakdown on how Computers, Mobile devices, and Tablets compare in regards to all the PPC metrics you care about.
Since there are only two top spots for mobile ads on Google.com, it can be wise to bid aggressively to make sure you’re in a spot between one and two, and not 2.8 for example.
Once you see what average position your mobile ads show up at, you can then go into your campaign settings and increase or decrease your mobile bid adjustment by up to 300%.
target mobile devices
How are your campaigns performing at the device level?

11) Ad Schedule Around Your Availability

This may sound like the most obvious thing in the world. But we can’t tell you how many times we’ve called a business in which their main call to action was to generate a phone call, and then land on their voicemail.
If you invest your hard earned advertising dollars to then showcase your ads around hours your not available, then please consider not advertising 24/7.
As you already know, if a lead that isn’t talked to right away, it may as well be dead. And the fact that you have your calls go straight to voicemail, isn’t that impressive.
Instead, go into your individual campaign settings and scroll all the way to the bottom until you hit the Advance settings portion.
Open that sucker up, and then tell Google what times during the day you want your ads to show under the Ad scheduling part. It looks like the image below:
get more phone leads
Getting more phone leads start with being able to answer them

12) Mobile App Targeting

This strategy can be pretty fun, but also tricky since you’re about to show ads to people who are technically on the display network that don’t show the same intent behind the keywords they use on the search network (Google.com).
To go about this, you’ll want to create a new and unique display network campaign dedicated only to app targeting.
mobile app targeting
You can target individual apps or categories

Once you then create your text, image, or dynamic ad, you get to target specific categories of apps from both Apple App Store and Google Play, or individual apps that fit your target audience.
When that’s done, you’ll want to create call extensions for all your ads and then set it to the “Just the phone number” feature that we discussed in strategy #2 earlier (Call Extensions & The Click-ToCall Setting).
This will then force people to click-to-call only from ads inside the mobile apps you’ve targeted.
We’ve found that promoting a 24/7 pre-recorded message (similar to a voicemail) can work well since the person about to call was not on the app looking for your services to begin with. The pre-recorded message is then less threatening than speaking to another live human.
This then allows the visitor to leave the voicemail to learn more if they’re interested in what you have to offer.
targeting mobile apps
Here are some of the categories to choose from

13) The Smartphone Specific Ad Size

You may already be familiar with the ad sizes for regular display network ads. But did you know there’s a certain display ad size that is made only for mobile?
It’s the 320 x 50 ad slot that is usually featured at the top of mobile pages, allowing for greater visibility and higher click through rates compared to a regular desktop site that may five ads on it at any given time.
The higher click through rates can be very significant since you’re advertising on the display network. Here’s what those ads can look like:
smartphone ad size
But, before you go all gung-ho on this idea, be aware that mobile app ads have been known to be “click happy”.
Sometimes people will be in an app and then accidentally click on the ads. Google has fortunately changed some app ads to be “2 tap necessary” so that a person has to tap again if they want to learn more about you.
You’ll usually find that games are the category with highest “click misfiring” rates. If that happens to you, be quick to exclude games as an app category.

14) AdWords Call-Only Campaigns

This is pretty amazing. With call-only campaigns, you no longer have to pay for desktop clicks.
This means that the only way Google can charge you, is if you actually get people clicking on your phone number from a smart phone. Before, you had to create call extensions and set the number to only allow phone calls and not clicks to your landing page.
But, it would still include desktop traffic.
With call-only campaigns, you’re now able to exclude desktop traffic altogether. Something that hasn’t been possible with the AdWords Enhanced Campaigns.
To create a Call Only campaign, simply start a new campaign and select the radio button of “Call-only”. Then follow the next steps to set it up to your liking.
adwords call-only campaigns
This was made for phone lead lovers <3

15) Click To Call Gmail Sponsored Promotions Ads

We actually wrote about this little tip last week in our post about Gmail Sponsored Promotions.
You can target your competitor’s email list by creating Gmail ads that appear in your prospects Gmail inbox with the ability of having your image ad be click-to-call and avoid taking people to a landing page.
Here’s the article on how to create the custom HTML, and here’s the link to validate your HTML to make sure it works.

Part 2: 13 Landing Page Hacks

landing page hacks

16) Phone Number Below CTA Form

It’s easy to understand why you’d want your visitors to focus on the conversion goal with colors that contrast to the rest of your landing page.
As you have people’s eyes on your conversion goal, it’s now time to give them the option to also call through in case they don’t want to fill out your landing page form.
Here you see that Merchant Fund Source, Quicken Loans, and Vitamin T understand the power of a phone call, and the great thing is, simply having your phone number prominent has been shown to increase trust for your visitors.
When running the test of having a phone number underneath your form button call to action, make sure you know exactly what your conversion rates were before you started. 
You’ll want to see if your overall conversion rate (form leads and phone leads) increases or if adding the phone number damages the conversion rate.
phone numbers & cta forms
The green button stands out and the phone number is right beneath it.

cta form
Quicken Loans has a 3x phone number appearance.

good cta form
Injecting a little humor never hurt anyone.

17) Incentivize The Call More Than Anything

A great way to get more phone leads is to differentiate the value a visitor gets on your landing page by calling vs filling out the form.
Small call-to-action (CTA) landing page changes that you can add below your number could be:
“Get a live quote in less than 5 minutes!”“Get your quote faster with a call”“Phone quotes get a 10% discount. Call now!”
Citibank does a great job on their mortgage landing page giving people an incentive to call in (although we’re not sure what the offer code does), with a phone number color standing outcompared to the rest of the page.
captivating ctas
Give your phone number a popping color and bigger font too.

18) Responsive/Mobile Optimized Design (like you haven’t heard that one before)

With more and more people being on their mobile devices, it’s crucial you use responsive designs on your landing pages or site, especially if your goal is generate more phone leads.
If you didn’t already know, responsive design gives your mobile visitors a cleaner and less cluttered look when browsing your pages, making it easier for them to convert. And depending on your design, you could see a doubling in phone leads sooner than you think.
The people over at Electric Pulp were able to increase iPhone conversion rates by 65% and Android conversion rates by a mighty 407% for O’Neill Clothing.
good mobile design cta
Those are some serious percentages.

Think of the impact this could have on your phone call volume.
By doing things responsive, you’ll only need to manage one site/landing page, instead of three (desktop, mobile, and tablet), which definitely makes things easier for you as well.

19) Switch Things Around

Nearly all marketers and advertisers will promote their form first, and then their phone number as a second option. What if you switched that around?
By having your phone number as the prominent call to action and your form second, you should be able to see a lift in phone leads.
The example image below comes from PlanetAmex.com, a travel service for American Express customers.
good advice for phone leads
Hide the form and see what happens.

If you click on the button, it takes you to another page with a form to capture your information, but still lets you know that a phone call will you get you an “Instant Quote!”
This simple, and brilliant, shift in focus as well as some other tweaks helped PlanetAmex.com increase their phone lead volume by over 48%.

20) Area Code Specific Phone Numbers

The idea here is to use multiple local area code phone numbers if you’re advertising across a larger metropolitan area, or even nationally, to target individual area code areas and use those local phone numbers as your call extensions and phone numbers on landing page or site.
Engine Ready ran a test with toll free numbers and local area code numbers to see the change in conversion rates.
The results were pretty remarkable.
phone leads tips
Makes sense, right?

Conversion rates more than doubled and the volume of phone leads increased by 112.5%.
To make this happen, you’ll want to use a call analytics service to buy local area code phone numbers and route them to your receiving number(s).

21) Tap To Call Above The Fold

Are you making the crucial mistake of having your phone number be an image?
You may be preventing people from using their smartphones click to call feature that automatically scans a page for your phone number.
With quick answers and real time feedback being the number 1 reason people prefer to call a business, forcing your visitors to leave your site to then dial in your number manually could be a killer of phone leads.
String Automotive saw a 200% increase in phone conversions by making sure the call to action of calling was above the fold.
Not sure how to make your phone number clickable? Here’s the secret:
<a href=”tel:+1-800-888-8888″>Call 1-800-888-8888</a>
The “tel:” part is the number that will actually be dialed. The “Call 1-800-888-8888” is what will visually be shown to the visitor.
You can also change that to “Call us now!” or split test other incentives.
need more phone leads
Stats don’t lie. Making it easy to call is a given – image source

22) Only Option Is To Call

Have you ever tried removing all other forms of contact, except for the phone number?
If you’ve done your homework and have your call to actions in your ads be about the “act of calling” then this could be a great strategy for you to try.
Remove your form completely and have your phone number displayed multiple times (header, front and center, and in the footer) to drive more phone conversions.
Your landing page could now look like this, without the ability to scroll down:
option to call cta
Not much else for the visitor to do here

Although we have no specific stats on this exact strategy, it’s clear to see how only giving a visitor one option to contact you can be beneficial.
You could even let them know of an extra incentive for calling like “Please call to get an exact quote”.
Notice how they allow you to text as well.

23) Let People Text You

With big companies like Amazon sending text updates about your packages, Google on password resets, and your dentist reminding you on how you haven’t been there in three years – allowing your potential customers to text you isn’t something completely new.
Similar to how anonymous chats work, a text from a website visitor allows them to get straight to the point without the fear of talking to a sales person.
Once you’re texting with a prospect, it’s your job to guide the conversation to a phone call.
Ask them about their pain points and what they’re trying to accomplish.
Then let them know you think you have a solution for their specific problem and that it wouldn’t take more than five minutes to show.
Companies like CallFire, Trumpia, or EZTexting can help you take it to the next level if your volume of texts is high enough. And if you want start running outbound text campaigns too.

text cta
Start by trying one of these solutions

Coca Cola is one of the first huge companies to make a switch from voicemail to text transcripts.
This is just one example of how texting is getting more and more mainstream.

24) The Social Proof Call Queue

Have you ever been really desperate in trying to lose weight and almost bought some miracle drug late at night while eating your last donut?
Hopefully not.
But if you’ve ever stumbled across weight loss landing pages, you’ll notice there is a ton of social proof going on.
What is social proof you ask?
social proof cta
Would you jump off a bridge if we did? Social proof says so.

In layman’s terms, social proof is like the testimonials you see, business logos, or other factors that increase credibility to your visitors so that they feel more at ease doing business with you.
By letting your visitors know that other people are currently talking to you over the phone you take away part of the fear of calling you by showing that other visitors are already doing it.
Here’s how some of these landing pages are doing it with reviews:
social proof call
You seen these before?

The advertisers using these social proof rectangles are adding them in the bottom right hand corner of the landing page, so that when a visitor scrolls down, they notice it.
Think of these little boxes as stamps of approvals by previous and current visitors, similar to ecommerce product reviews that help build trust before your visitors are ready to take action.
A way to make this work for you is actually to tell people on the landing page or site that there are “3 people ahead of you” underneath the phone numbers.
You may think that this will deter people from calling since everyone hates waiting, but the opposite is actually true.
We ran this idea as the only split test on a landing page and saw a 23% increase in phone leads with a 97% confidence level.
Our hypothesis behind this is that people will feel more at ease if they know other people (just like themselves) are talking to you on the phone.

25) Make Your CTA Button Your Phone Number

This is similar to idea #6, but instead of just displaying phone numbers, use your CTA (call to action) button as a place for your phone number instead of text (of course, make it clickable).
By using the common best practices of conversion rate optimization, you’ll want to remember to make your button color a contrasting color compared to your overall landing page or site.
This will help make your CTA stand out, and by making your button look like an actual button (3D effect), you’ll get a lot more clicks that then result in more phone leads
cta as phone number
Even MailChimp knows how much people love buttons.

26) The Sticky Header/Menu/Nav Bar

Have you ever been on a desktop or mobile page where you begin to scroll down and the header follows you down?
This is called a “sticky header” that sticks with you as you browse up or down.
The idea behind this tip is to have your call to action of calling in the header so that when a person scrolls down, they’ll always have the option to call that’s only a tap away.
Not only do sticky headers make things 22% quicker for your visitors to navigate, but there is a resounding love for them. There was a recent usability study done that showed that 100% of people would prefer a sticky header compared to a non-sticky one.
What does this mean to you? Give people what they want and they’ll do what you want.
Giving you more calls.
cta help
Do everything you can to make things faster.

27) Reinforcing Footers

A lot of awesome blogs use this to add value for a reader in the form of a free guide that’s placed around the footer area.
KISSmetrics, Unbounce, and the Buffer blog all do this:
footer cta

You can do the same thing with your landing pages when it comes to driving phone leads.
If a visitor of your landing page has scrolled all the way down, then you know there’s a great chance they’re interested in what you’re doing.
Now’s your chance to give them an offer by calling in that they can’t resist. What reinforcement or additional value can you give your prospects so that they pick up the phone and dial your number?
call to action basics
Unbounce’s landing page course has some great insight on this.

28) A Memorable Vanity Number

Vanity numbers are pretty old-school. And before the internet, these puppies were considered one of the greatest advertising ideas around.
The funny thing is, they still work.
Compared to your competition, if you have vanity number that’s easy to remember, and they don’t, then you stand a chance of increasing your conversion rates by upwards of 60%.
But tread lightly.
With vanity numbers, you’re sometimes not able to call track your different sources of traffic since to do so, you’ll have to dynamically swap your vanity number for a trackable one.
If you’re a small shop or even just a medium sized business, then having a vanity number might not be worth it for you.
You’ll often find that lawyers shell out big money to have an easy to remember number, but then forego the option of tracking the sources of calls.
cro tips and tricks
Shocker: People remember things that are memorable.

Part 3: 7 Post-Conversion Stunts

post conversion tips

29) Forcing The Call

The Conversion Scientists had a very interesting podcast on how they grew phone leads for one of their clients.
They decided to change the current landing form headline to be “Get Help By Calling Our Helpline”.
And below that, they had a short paragraph that read:
It’s better if you call us and take real action right now.However, if something is truly preventing you from calling, then fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can”

Pretty lengthy and obnoxious right? Well, what happened was pretty insane.
Not only did the phone leads increase by 16% with statistical significance, but it didn’t lower the amount of form leads either!
The same amount of form leads stayed the same, and the client got an additional 16% more phone leads.
And this was their first stab at it! What could you do with 16% more phone leads?
Close more deals! – Chyea!
(Like “yea”, but with more enthusiasm)

30) The Post Conversion Phone Number

These next stunts are for getting people who have converted on your form, to call you before they go on to your competition.
Did the visitor convert on your form instead of giving you a call? Dang it!
Fortunately for you, there’s a quick way to get them on the phone, and it has to do with something called post conversion psychology.
What you do after a visitor performs a lead form conversion is almost just as critical as what you did to get them to convert.
You know your deed isn’t done until you got the visitor to pay, so why do so many marketers forget to tell the visitor what will happen after they convert?
A great way to lift your phone conversions is to let the visitor know their quote or offer is ready, and that they should call (800) 123-1234 to get it directly from your confirmation/thank you page.
Take a look at the example below:
post conversion phone number
Give people the incentive to call in, even if they’ve already converted.

Notice the clear bonus of a “faster response” that you can use by calling that number.
Some other ideas to increase phone conversions from the thank you/confirmation page would be:
Your quote is ready!Please call (888) 888-8888 to get it!
We’re almost out of stock!Please call (888) 888-8888 to claim yours!
These rates won’t last forever!Please call (888) 888-8888 to lock them in!

Not only does this help with increasing phone leads, but it also prevents your visitors from leaving your landing page or site to go to a competitor’s page and convert there.
You can now get them on the phone and keep them there with your mesmerizing voice.

31) The Countdown Timer

Have you ever heard of the term loss aversion?
Similar to the strategy before, the post conversion countdown timer works in a way that promotes urgency and the fear of losing out on something so that the visitor is more likely to call you.
But not only does this help improve your phone conversions, it also helps by taking your visitor off the competitive market and preoccupies them so that they won’t go back to Google and get distracted.
Pretty valuable right?
You can have your designer create a simple five minute countdown GIF that you then place on your confirmation/thank you page. Or flat out steal this one:
create urgency in cta
You’re welcome ðŸ™‚

We’ve heard from clients that some of their visitors call in, almost stressed out thinking that they’ll lose out on a certain offer from the landing page they were just on.

Bottom line: This idea works.
cta urgency
Countdown GIF timer with trackable phone number – image source

32) The Call Expectation

When people have filled out a form on your landing page or site, it’s quite common you’ll notice a confirmation page that says:

“Thanks!We’ll be in touch shortly”

But how many times have you personally not answered phone calls when you don’t know the number that’s calling?
By letting the visitor, who just converted, know to expect a call from “213-329-1211 within the next 5 minutes” you stand to immediately improve your chances of closing the deal, simply because they’re now expecting your call.
And they know what number you’ll be calling from.
Funny and sad thing is that so many people quickly move on to something else and get distracted.
The prospect then sees you calling, not knowing who you are, and the more you call, the more put-off they are by you, lessening your chance to get them talking even more.
Do yourself the favor and let people know specifically what happens after they convert on your form.
Are you going to call them or send them a box of chocolates? How about both?

33) Upping The Sale

Once you’ve gotten a person to convert through your form, you can increase your likelihood of getting them on the phone by offering an additional incentive or an even better offer if they call in.
It’s not often you see this, but when people use this post conversion hack, you’ll notice that people often play off the initial offer in a greater way or offer something that’s a cross-sell that the visitor would also find valuable.
But remember, your goal isn’t to have them subscribe to a newsletter or like you on Facebook, your goal is to get them to call you, so you can make money.
A perfect example of this could be if you’re a roofing company for example.
Your initial form call to action is  “Get Your Free Quote!”
The “Up The Sale” tactic for your confirmation page would then be:
“Call 415-201-9923Within the next 5 minutes and get $250 off your inspection”

34) The Exit Popup

Have you ever left a page without buying or filling out a form? Of course you have!
You bounced. And the advertiser who paid for you to visit is slowly chewing away on the 12th pencil of the day, wondering what he can do to make you buy.
Enter, the exit popup.
These bad boys have gotten a lot of flak lately. But the crazy thing is that they actually make you money (if done right).
So much money that one company experienced a 54% increase in phone leads.
exit pop ups as ctas
Too simple, right?

Not only that, but this specific exit popup also increased monthly website revenue by 15%.
So if you’re not looking up how to use exit popups by now, then we can’t help you.
Luckily for you, you now have over 30 ways to start increasing phone leads and a brilliant way to track everything with the power of call tracking.

35) Don’t Forget The Caller Experience

You’ve spent your valuable time, energy, and money getting your visitor to pick up the phone.
Now’s not the time to lose them.
Invoca recommends using custom prompts and call routing so the caller experience lines up with the campaign and messaging that drove the call.
Have your ever called someone and threw your phone at the wall out of sheer frustration? It happens to the best of us.
Make sure calls are automatically routed to the right location, call center, or sales rep.
You can also filter your calls based on quality criteria so you don’t tie up your resources with junk calls. Who doesn’t like efficiency?
Now, go have fun and get some more phone leads!

PPC Management That Continues To Perform

Klientboost Blog Author <br>Johnathan Dane

Resource: https://klientboost.com/ppc/phone-leads/

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Need a professional writer? Fiction and non-fiction? contact richard.nata@yahoo.co.id

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Nata. I am an author, novelist, blogger and ghost writer. My articles, including short stories have been published in magazines and newspapers since 1994. I have written a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction. So I was a professional in the field of writing, both fiction and non-fiction.

I was born in Jakarta, August 17, 1968.  

In 1988, at the age of 20 years, I started working as an accounting staff. Age 24 years has occupied the position of Finance Manager. Age 26 years as a General Manager.

In 1994, my articles published in magazines and tabloids.

In 1997, I wrote a book entitled "Buku Pintar Mencari Kerja". This book is reprinted as much as 8 times. Through the book, the authors successfully helped tens of thousands of people get jobs at once successful in their careers. They were also successful when moving to work in other places.

In 1998, I started investing in shares on Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia stock exchange). As a result of investing in the stock market then I can provide consulting services for companies that want to go public in Indonesia stock exchange.

more information :

BUKU PINTAR DAPAT KERJA GAJI TINGGI PINDAH KERJA GAJI SEMAKIN TINGGI made by retyping the book BEST SELLER of the author, entitled “Buku Pintar Mencari Kerja”. This ebook available on google play.

In 2015, I had the idea of a startup company where the readers can decide for themselves the next story. WASN'T THIS A GREAT IDEA? IF can be realized WILL BE WORTH billions USD. Because CAN PRODUCE FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS even tens of millions USD annually. 

In theory, in 10-20 years into the future, my startup income, amounting to hundreds of million USD annually can be obtained easily. AND IF FOLLOWED BY MANY COMPANIES IN THE WHOLE WORLD WILL THEN BE A NEW INDUSTRIAL worth trillions USD. 

To be honest. Currently I'm not having a lot of money. So I start marketing my startup with blogspot.


A story with millions of choices in it - looking investor like you.

Try to imagine this. When you're reading a story on the web or blog, you are given two choices. You can choose the next story based on your own choice. After selecting then you can continue reading the story. Shortly afterwards you will be presented back to the 2 other options. The next choice is up to you. Then you continue the story you are reading. After that you will be faced again with 2 choices. So onwards. The more stories you read so the more options you have taken.

If you feel curious then you can re-read the story by changing your selection. Then you will see a different story with the story that you have read previously. The question now is why is this so? Because the storyline will be varying according to your choice. 

I, as the author is planning to make tens of thousands of articles with millions of choices in it. With tens of thousands of articles then you like to see a show of your favorite series on TV for several years. The difference is while watching your favorite TV series, then you can not change the story. Meanwhile, if you read this story then you can alter the way the story according to your own choice.

You might say like this. Sounds like a book "choose your own adventure". Books I read when I was young.

Correctly. The idea is taken from there. But if you read through a book, the story is not so exciting. Due to the limited number of pages. When a child first you may already feel interesting. But if you re-read the book now then becomes no fun anymore because you don't get anything with the amount of 100-200 pages. 

Have you ever heard of game books?  When you were boy or girl, did you like reading game books? I think you've heard even happy to read it.

Gamebooks are sometimes informally called choose your own adventure books or CYOA which is also the name of the Choose Your Own Adventure series published byBantam BooksGamebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gamebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A gamebook is a work of fiction that allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices. The narrative branches along various paths through the use of numbered paragraphs or pages.
Lihat preview menurut Yahoo

Bantam Books with the Choose Your Own Adventure 

series has produced more than 250 million US 

dollars. While I offer you more powerful than the Choose 

Your Own Adventure. Because of what? Because the 

story that I made much more interesting than the stories 

created by the authors of Bantam Books. You will not get anything just to 100-200 pages. While the story that I created is made up of tens of thousands of articles with millions of choices in it.

For comparison are the books published with the theme "choose your own adventure" produces more than 250 million copies worldwide. If the average price of a book for 5 USD, the industry has produced more than 1.5 billion USD. But unfortunately this industry has been abandoned because the reader begins to feel bored. The last book was published entitled "The Gorillas of Uganda (prev." Search for the Mountain Gorillas ")". And this book was published in 2013.

Based on the above, then you are faced with two choices. Are you interested in reading my story is? Or you are not interested at all. The choice is in your hands.
If you are interested then spread widely disseminated this article to your family, friends, neighbors, and relatives. You can also distribute it on facebook, twitter, goggle +, or other social media that this article be viral in the world. By doing so it is a new entertainment industry has been created.

Its creator named Richard Nata.

The full articles that talks about this: 







If we can make a good story, so that the readers will 

come again and again for further reading the story then 

our earnings will continue to grow and will never 

diminish. This is due to new readers who continued  to 

arrive, while long remained loyal readers become our 


So that the number of our readers will continue to 

multiply over time. With the increasing number of loyal 

readership then automatically the amount of income we 

will also grow larger every year. The same thing 

happened in yahoo, google, facebook, twitter, linkedin, 

and others when they still startup.

Deuteronomy {28:13} And the LORD shall make thee the 

head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and 

thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do [them: ]

Try to imagine this. If I give a very unique story. It was the first time in the world. But the world already know this story even liked it. Because the world love the game books. While the story that I made is the development of game books.
Do you Believe if I dare say if I will succeed because my story will be famous all over the world as Harry Potter?
I believe it. Not because I was the author of the story, but because of the story that I made is unique and the only one in the world. 
Income from my startup :
1. Ads. With millions of unique visitors, the price of the ads will be expensive.
2. Affiliate marketing. In addition to advertising, we are also able to put up some banner from affiliate marketing.
3. Contribution of the readers. If you have a million readers and every reader to pay one US dollar per year then you will get the income of one million US dollars per year. 
If you have a million readers and every reader to pay one US dollar per month then you will get as much revenue twelve million US dollars per year.
4. Books and Comics. After getting hundreds of thousands to the millions of readers of the story will be made in books and the form of a picture story (comics).
5. Movies. If we have a good story with millions of readers then quickly we will be offered to make a film based on the story.
6. Merchandise related to characters. After the movies there will be made an offer for the sale of goods related to the characters.
7. Sales. With millions of email that we have collected from our readers so we can sell anything to them.
    Each income (1-7) worth millions to tens of millions of US dollars. 
    Because each income (1-7) worth millions to tens of millions of US dollars. Then in 10-20 years into the future, AI will be earning hundreds of million USD annually.
So how long do you think my story that I made could gather a thousand readers? Ten thousand readers? One hundred thousand readers? A million readers? Five million readers? Ten million readers? More than ten million readers?
But to get all of it of course takes time, can not be instant. In addition, it takes hard work, big funds and placement of the right people in the right positions.
By advertising, viral marketing, strong marketing strategies and SEO then a million readers can be done in less than a year. Ten million readers can be done in two to three years.
This is the marketing strategy of my startup.
When hundreds of thousands or millions of readers already liked my story then they have to pay to enjoy the story that I made.
If you are a visionary then you will think like this.
With the help of my great name in the world of business, my expertise in marketing, advertising, marketing by mouth, viral marketing, then collecting a million readers to ten million readers will be easy to obtain. Is not that right?
The question now is what if people like my story as they like Harry Potter? You will get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of email addresses from readers. With that much email, we can sell anything to the readers.
Since April 2013, Wikipedia has around 26 million articles in 285 languages are written by 39 million registered users and a variety of anonymous people who are not known from other parts of the world.  Web ranked by Alexa, Wikipedia is a famous website number 6 which has been visited by 12% of all Internet users with 80 million visitors every month and it is only from the calculation of America.

resource : http://www.tahupedia.com/content/show/136/Sejarah-dan-Asal-Mula-Wikipedia

If no Wikipedia then need hundreds of thousands to millions of books required to make 26 million articles in 285 languages into books.

With the Wikipedia then people started to leave to read a book or books to seek knowledge about a subject or many subjects.

The same thing will happen. Read a story in a book or books to be abandoned. Read a story with millions of choices on the web or blog is far more interesting than reading a book or books. 

So what happens next? In 10-20 years ahead then read a story in a book to be abandoned. Otherwise my startup will grow and continue to develop into a new entertainment industry.

New entertainment industry, where I was a forerunner startup will continue to evolve. 
Therefore, in 10-20 years into the future, my startup will be earning hundreds of million USD annually.

So do not delay. Invest your money immediately to my startup. Take A Look. There are so many advantages if you want to invest in my startup.


My BLOG started to be written January 11, 2015. TODAY, MAY 30, 2015, THE NUMBER OF CLICKS HAS REACHED 56,750. SO FAR SO GOOD.

If I get big funds from investors then with a quick story that I wrote will spread throughout the world.

So I got acceleration because I can put ads in a large variety of media such as Google AdWords, Facebook, and others. I also can perform a variety of other marketing strategies.
If I do not get funding from investors then my story would still spread throughout the world. But with a longer time, Slow but sure.

So either I get funding from investors or not, the story that I wrote will remain spread throughout the world. Ha ... 7x

So don't worry, be happy.

My advice to you is you should think whether the data that I have provided to you makes sense or not .
If my data reasonable then immediately invest your funds as soon as possible.

Then we discuss how we plan further cooperation.

Thank you.
Lord Jesus bless you.
P.S. The offer letter I gave also to the hedge funds and 

venture capital and other major companies 

in the entire 

world. So who is fast then he will get it.

P.P.S. In addition, there is one more thing I 

want to tell you. If a story can generate tens 

of millions of US dollars, then what if made 

many stories? Then why do not you make 2, 3 or many stories? You will get hundreds of million USD annually. 

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