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A story with tens of thousands of articles.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tips For Branding Your Startup.





Luca Boschin of Logo Grab kicks off the #SWDub Mentor Series
Luca Boschin is the co-founder and business leader of LogoGrab. He has extensive expertise in the development and commercialization of computer vision technologies.
It was great to have him touch on an important part of the Startup Weekend experience – Branding.
LogoGrab chief executive Luca Boschin and chief technical officer Alessandro Prest
Q. Can you share tips on coming up with a brand name for an idea/product?
Regardless if you are a tech company or selling cupcakes your first stop is domaintyper.com. If you ever want to scale forget of any name for which .com is not available (some businesses could get away with other extensions such as .io). If you really wanna use a name anyhow at least be sure that no big player is using it and you’ll have the chance to buy the .com one day or the other.
It is also important to base your brand name on something that is relavant to your business – your actual product, a feature of it, your creativity, or anything that shares in a way or the other what you do or who you are. Finally, keep it simple, and make it as easy to remember as possible.
Q. To what level should [prospective] consumers be involved in brand development?
When you come up with a name / logo design you can make some simple polls to be sure prospective consumers would like/understand the name.
An easy way to do it? Prepare and copy/paste a message to 50 friends or so via Facebook messenger asking if they like/understand the name/logo. Make it simple, so to drive them to a simple yes/no answer.
The answers should guide you to an educated choice if you wanna proceed with that name/logo or consider working on it a bit more. This is how we actually did it at LogoGrab when we redesigned our logo.
Q. How can a team at #SWDub decide on a branding in the shortest possible time?
Again, for your name brainstorm with the with team in front of domaintyper.com. Write a list of each name you like (or sort of like, it will help to keep going) and for which the domain name is available. Keep brainstorming for 10 minutes maximum and then choose your favorite candidate off the list. When we started LogoGrab we decided our name in 10 minutes or so.
However, it does get a little harder when it comes to logo but you can also think of / edit your logo at a later stage. At LogoGrab we re-designed our logo 1 year after launch. I wouldn’t be so concerned about a cool logo at this stage. One tip, regardless: come up with an icon that fits in a square, in case you ever have to do an app.
Many thanks to Luca for taking time out to share these branding tips. You can catch him on twitter at @LucaBoschin. He’d also be around mentoring and coaching teams at the Startup Weekend Dublin. Do share and stay tuned for the next post in the #SWDub Mentor Series.

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