Ditolak google adsense seperti gue ( richard nata ) ? tenang... ada cliksor. ha...7x
Before I start - Teknik SEO MLM Backlink.
(out of 100's of systems, this is my number #1 recommendation ^^)
Before I start - Teknik SEO MLM Backlink.
(out of 100's of systems, this is my number #1 recommendation ^^)
Jika biasanya saat anda hendak mematikan komputer, anda harus mengikuti beberapa langkah dengan menekan tombol turn-off pada komputer kemudian tunggu sebentar hingga ia jendela yang sedang anda jalankan menutup dengan sendirinya baru pada akhirnya komputer bisa mati. Ini tentu cara yang lebih rumit bila dibandingkan dengan cara berikut yang akan kita bahas. Dengan membuat icon shutdown sendiri pada desktop maka anda bisa mematikan komputer anda hanya dengan sekali tekan dan pada tempat yang sama. Dengan begini akan lebih cepat dan lebih mudah tentunya. Ingin tahu seperti apa cara-caranya?
Berikut kami bisikan cara membuat icon shutdown pada desktop :
1. Buka Notepad dan ketik (tanpa tanda kutip). "C: \ windows \ system32 \ shutdown-s-f-t 10", kemudian simpan file “shutdown.bat" (Anda harus mengubah jenis file drop down box ke "All Files (*. *) "). Dan jangan lupa file yang disimpan harus berekstensi". Bat"!
2. Cari gambar yang sesuai dan anda inginkan sebagai icon “shutdown” kemudian save.
3. Jika gambar sudah didapat, cari dimana anda menyimpan gambar tersebut. Kemudian klik kanan pada gambar kemudian pilih menu ‘properties’.
4. Jika properties di klik, maka akan muncul jendela baru. Pilih tan ‘General’, kemudian rubah ekstensi gambar menjadi “shutdown.bat” dengan cara klik icon ‘change’, jangan lupa untuk klik OK untuk menerapkan perubahan.
5. Jika sudah selesai, kita kembali menuju desktop.
6. Buat shortcut dari foto Anda dan ubah namanya dengan ‘Shutdown’. Kemudian pindahkan photo ke desktop, dengan cara klik kanan pada gambar pilih menu ‘send to’ dan klik ‘desktop’ .
7. Kini icon shutdown sudah ada di desktop, anda bisa mencobanya dengan mengklik menu tersebut, dan dengan 10 detik koputer akan mati. Ini artinya proses mematikan komputer tidak memerlukan langkah yang terlalu panjang dan sulit seperti sebelumnya. Dengan begini anda akan lebih cepat bisa mematikan komputer saat anda sedang terburu-buru untuk pergi.
Baca Selengkapnya: Cara Membuat Icon Shutdown Pada Desktop
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1. Buka Notepad dan ketik (tanpa tanda kutip). "C: \ windows \ system32 \ shutdown-s-f-t 10", kemudian simpan file “shutdown.bat" (Anda harus mengubah jenis file drop down box ke "All Files (*. *) "). Dan jangan lupa file yang disimpan harus berekstensi". Bat"!
2. Cari gambar yang sesuai dan anda inginkan sebagai icon “shutdown” kemudian save.
3. Jika gambar sudah didapat, cari dimana anda menyimpan gambar tersebut. Kemudian klik kanan pada gambar kemudian pilih menu ‘properties’.
4. Jika properties di klik, maka akan muncul jendela baru. Pilih tan ‘General’, kemudian rubah ekstensi gambar menjadi “shutdown.bat” dengan cara klik icon ‘change’, jangan lupa untuk klik OK untuk menerapkan perubahan.
5. Jika sudah selesai, kita kembali menuju desktop.
6. Buat shortcut dari foto Anda dan ubah namanya dengan ‘Shutdown’. Kemudian pindahkan photo ke desktop, dengan cara klik kanan pada gambar pilih menu ‘send to’ dan klik ‘desktop’ .
7. Kini icon shutdown sudah ada di desktop, anda bisa mencobanya dengan mengklik menu tersebut, dan dengan 10 detik koputer akan mati. Ini artinya proses mematikan komputer tidak memerlukan langkah yang terlalu panjang dan sulit seperti sebelumnya. Dengan begini anda akan lebih cepat bisa mematikan komputer saat anda sedang terburu-buru untuk pergi.
7. Kini icon shutdown sudah ada di desktop, anda bisa mencobanya dengan mengklik menu tersebut, dan dengan 10 detik koputer akan mati. Ini artinya proses mematikan komputer tidak memerlukan langkah yang terlalu panjang dan sulit seperti sebelumnya. Dengan begini anda akan lebih cepat bisa mematikan komputer saat anda sedang terburu-buru untuk pergi.
Baca Selengkapnya: Cara Membuat Icon Shutdown Pada Desktop
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Berapa sih nilai dari blog gue DALAM DOLLAR ?
A story with millions of choices in it.
Try to imagine this. When you're reading a story on the web or blog, you are given two choices. You can choose the next story based on your own choice. After selecting then you can continue reading the story. Shortly afterwards you will be presented back to the 2 other options. The next choice is up to you. Then you continue the story you are reading. After that you will be faced again with 2 choices. So onwards.
If you feel curious then you can re-read the story by changing your selection. Then you will see a different story with the story that you have read previously. The question now is why is this so? Because the storyline will be varying according to your choice.
Based on the above, then you are faced with two choices. Are you interested in reading my story is? Or you are not interested at all. The choice is in your hands.
If you are interested then spread widely disseminated this article to your family, friends, neighbors, and relatives. You can also distribute it on facebook, twitter, goggle +, or other social media that this article be viral in the world. By doing so it is a new entertainment industry has been created.
Its creator named Richard Nata.
The full articles that talks about this:
Try to imagine this. When you're reading a story on the web or blog, you are given two choices. You can choose the next story based on your own choice. After selecting then you can continue reading the story. Shortly afterwards you will be presented back to the 2 other options. The next choice is up to you. Then you continue the story you are reading. After that you will be faced again with 2 choices. So onwards.
If you feel curious then you can re-read the story by changing your selection. Then you will see a different story with the story that you have read previously. The question now is why is this so? Because the storyline will be varying according to your choice.
Based on the above, then you are faced with two choices. Are you interested in reading my story is? Or you are not interested at all. The choice is in your hands.
If you are interested then spread widely disseminated this article to your family, friends, neighbors, and relatives. You can also distribute it on facebook, twitter, goggle +, or other social media that this article be viral in the world. By doing so it is a new entertainment industry has been created.
Its creator named Richard Nata.
The full articles that talks about this:
Are you interested in my offer?
Do you want to be an investor in my startup?
If yes, don't hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.
P.S. The offer letter I gave also to the hedge funds and venture capital and other major companies in the entire world. So who is fast then he will get it.
P.P.S. If you are not interested in my offer, it is a good idea to periodically review my blog to see the development of my blog.
If I've made a story on my blog and get a multiplication of clicks then you should know that the readers liked my story
Do you want to be an investor in my startup?
If yes, don't hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.
P.S. The offer letter I gave also to the hedge funds and venture capital and other major companies in the entire world. So who is fast then he will get it.
P.P.S. If you are not interested in my offer, it is a good idea to periodically review my blog to see the development of my blog.
If I've made a story on my blog and get a multiplication of clicks then you should know that the readers liked my story
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