#5. Hostage! -- You Willingly Become a Terrorist
In Hostage! a vicious drug cartel led by "Marcos" invades Washington, D.C., takes your class hostage, and herds you all into the Biological Research Center -- a place where the deadliest viruses in the world are studied within walking distance of the White House -- in an elaborate plan to steal an apocalyptic virus. And somehow all of this is not capped off by "... next time on Homeland."
Once captured, you have two main options: You can give the terrorists your limited cooperation, while really sneaking information to the president so that Army Rangers can storm the institute, shoot the bad guys, and rescue your classmates along with their raging new cases of PTSD. Or you can give Marcos your wholehearted cooperation and spend the rest of the book as a full-blown terrorist.
Because nothing says "evil genius" like dealing drugs to a planet full of dead people.
If you choose the latter, it's off to terrorism school with you, young man.
Later, Miss Peters would use the "hey, you take sub jobs when you can get them" defense.
Unfortunately, your bomb-making class gets cut short when helicopters rain fiery death all over it. But at least you died how you lived: making transparently terrible decisions.
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