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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mangkuk Cina Kuno Patahkan Teori Darwinisme

Mangkuk Cina Kuno Patahkan Teori Darwinisme

Yuchanyan pottery (D Cohen)
Fragments from a 1995 dig at Yuchanyan form a cauldron

Kepingan-kepingan tembikar yang baru-baru ini ditemukan oleh para pakar ilmu purbakala di Gua Yuchanyan di Cina telah sekali lagi merobohkan pemikiran evolusionis mengenai sejarah. Menurut sebuah laporan di BBC News, usia pecahan-pecahan tersebut yang telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan 40 macam teknik Karbon-14 yang berbeda berkisar antara 17.500 dan 18.300 tahun. Keberadaan periuk setua itu merupakan sebuah kekalahan penuh, dalam istilah evolusinis, karena mereka menyatakan bahwa manusia memulai kehidupan beradab dan menetap pada masa yang mereka sebut sebagai Zaman Batu.

Evolusonis menyatakan bahwa manusia pertama adalah makhluk setengah-kera yang bentuk tubuh dan kemampuan akalnya berkembang seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, bahwa mereka mendapatkan keterampilan baru, dan bahwa peradaban berevolusi disebabkan oleh hal tersebut.

Menurut pernyataan ini, yang didasarkan pada ketiadaan bukti ilmiah apa pun, nenek moyang purba kita yang diduga ada itu menjalani hidup sebagai binatang, lalu menjadi beradab hanya setelah mereka menjadi manusia, dan menunjukkan kemajuan budaya seiring dengan bertambah majunya kemampuan akal mereka.

Gambar-gambar khayalan dari apa yang disebut sebagai Manusia purba, dengan tubuh yang seluruhnya tertutupi bulu binatang, atau sedang membuat api sembari jongkok di bawah kulit binatang, tengah berjalan di sepanjang tepi wilayah perairan sembari memanggul hewan yang baru saja dibunuh, atau sedang berusaha berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya menggunakan gerakan isyarat dan bersungut-sungut, adalah gambar rekayasa yang dilandaskan pada pernyataan tidak ilmiah ini.

Contoh tembikar yang ditemukan di Gua Yuchanyan pada tahun 1995

amun, temuan-temuan purbakala yang dihasilkan hingga kini dari Zaman Batu, di mana evolusionis menyatakan bahwa “manusia waktu itu baru saja belajar berbicara”, menunjukkan bahwa manusia di masa itu sudah menjalani hidup berkeluarga, melakukan bedah otak dan memahami seni lukis dan musik.

Oleh karena serpihan periuk berusia sekitar 18.000 tahun yang ditemukan di Gua Yuchanyan di Cina juga menampakkan tanda-tanda kehidupan yang berperadaban, maka ini pun membantah “urutan zaman-zaman sejarah” karangan evolusonis. Kepingan-kepingan mangkuk ini, yang usianya ditetapkan antara 17.500 dan 18.300 tahun, adalah sisa-sisa peninggalan tembikar tertua yang pernah ditemukan. Menurut pernyataan evolusionis, manusia semestinya belum menjalani hidup menetap di masa yang disebut sebagai Zaman Batu, dan mestinya hidup di gua-gua sebagai pemburu purba yang menggunakan perkakas yang terbuat dari batu.

Namun temuan-temuan purbakala secara ilmiah membuktikan justru sebaliknya. Pecahan-pecahan barang yang terbuat dari tanah liat yang ditemukan di Gua Yuchanyan itu secara telak menyingkap ketidakabsahan pernyataan evolusonis, yang sejatinya tidak lebih dari khayalan.

Biji-bijian padi juga ditemukan di gua yang sama di tahun 2005. Secara keseluruhan, temuan-temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa manusia yang hidup 18.000 tahun lalu telah bertani dan hidup berperadaban sebagaimana yang dilakukan manusia masa kini.

Kemajuan dan temuan seperti ini yang terjadi di cabang-cabang ilmu pengetahuan seperti arkeologi dan antropologi menyingkapkan bahwa “gagasan evolusi budaya dan masyarakat manusia” adalah sesuatu yang palsu. Temuan yang dihasilkan selama penggalian-penggalian purbakala dengan jelas menampakkan bahwa sejarah ditafsirkan oleh para ilmuwan Darwinis berdasarkan prasangka ideologi materialis.Dongeng “Zaman Batu” tidaklah lebih dari upaya kalangan materialis dalam rangka menampilkan manusia sebagai sebuah makhluk hidup yang berevolusi dari binatang yang tidak berakal dan memaksakan dongeng yang mereka yakini ini pada ilmu pengetahuan.

Yuchanyan cave (D Cohen)

The team dug in small areas to gather more precisely dated samples

Evolusi manusia menurut Teori Darwin
Darwin Family Tree
Examples of pottery found in a cave at Yuchanyan in China's Hunan province may be the oldest known to science. By determining the fraction of a type, or isotope, of carbon in bone fragments and charcoal, the specimens were found to be 17,500 to 18,300 years old. The authors say that the ages are more precise than previous efforts because a series of more than 40 radiocarbon-dated samples support the estimate. The work is reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The Yuchanyan cave was the site where the oldest kernels of rice were found in 2005, and it is viewed as an important link between cave-dwelling hunter-gatherer peoples and the farmers that arose later in the basin of the nearby Yangtze River.

The previous oldest-known example of pottery was found in Japan, dated to an age between 16,000 and 17,000 years ago, but debate has raged in the archaeological community as to whether pottery was first made in China or Japan. The most recent dig at Yuchanyan was in 2005 by a team led by Elisabetta Boaretto of the Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. They believe they have found a more precise way to read the history of human activity written in layers of sediment, or stratigraphy. 'Layer cake'"The way people move around and mess up caves is very difficult to see archaeologically," David Cohen, an archaeologist at Boston University and a co-author on the research, told BBC News. "Imagine you have a fire and then people come in again have another fire and another, so you have the ashes of all these fires building up but at the same time people are digging and clearing, pushing things to the side; this messes things up.

"If you have an open-air site, you sometimes get a very clean 'layer cake' stratigraphy. Archaeologists before haven't looked at this closely enough to realise what's going on in caves so they interpret this stratigraphy as a layer cake. But in actuality, it's 'lenses' of stuff that's been mixed up and moved around." It is comparatively easy to find evidence of human occupation in caves through the dating of charcoal from fires or bones from long-ago dinners, Dr Cohen said. However, because of the unclear layering of sediment it is not easy to correlate well-dated layers with the pottery that may be nearby. Part of the problem lies in the areas over which previous digs have searched: squares of perhaps five metres on a side. "It's an issue of association, knowing where everything comes from in space across the cave," Dr Cohen explained. "If you're excavating in a huge unit, you can only say it comes from within this 5m area and this 20cm of sediment, and that's not good enough for understanding human activity." Instead, the team worked in sub-divisions of just a quarter of a metre square, painstakingly collecting bone and charcoal fragments. The samples were then radiocarbon dated, revealing a clean distribution stretching between 14,000 and 21,000 years ago. 'Fantastic cave'One fragment of pottery was found in a layer between two radiocarbon-dated fragments that both measured about 18,000 years old, taking the record for oldest pottery. The team hope that their smaller-scale searching and taking into account the effects of human activity on cave stratigraphy will help with future digs at Yuchanyan, and elsewhere. "It's a fantastic cave, and we hope that the way these excavations were done would set a precedent for how other caves will be looked at," said Dr Cohen. Dr Tracey Lu, from an anthropologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who was not an author on the latest study, noted that the dates reported in this paper were slightly older than dates on pottery found in Japan. However, she said the accuracy of radiocarbon dates in the limestone area has been under debate for many years. "I agree that pottery was made by foragers in South China," she told the Associated Press news agency. "But I also think pottery was produced more or less contemporaneously in several places in East Asia... from Russia, Japan to North and South China by foragers living in different environme

File:Charles Darwin - 1837 notebook page.jpg
Transcription (from source): "led to comprehend true affinities. My theory would give zest to recent & Fossil Comparative Anatomy : it would lead to study of instincts, heredity, & mind heredity, whole metaphysics, it would lead to closest examination of hybridity & generation, causes of change in order to know what we have come from & to what we tend, to what circumstances favour crossing & what prevents it, this & direct examination of direct passages of structure in species, might lead to laws of change, which would then be main object of study, to guide our speculations."

Reproduced in The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, edited by his son Francis Darwin, in Two Volumes: Vol. II. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1887.
Scanned by User:Davepape

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