A story with tens of thousands of articles.

A story with tens of thousands of articles.
life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of readers.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sentimen Agama dan Blunder Ahok

Sentimen Agama dan 
Blunder Ahok
Sentimen agama dituding berperan cukup besar dalam kemenangan Anies-Sandi.
Di lain pihak, Ahok juga berbuat blunder.
Ilustrasi: Edi Wahyono
Jumat, 21 April 2017
Yudo Wibowo langsung membanting remote control televisi saat melihat hasil hitung cepat (quick count) jagoannya, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)-Djarot Saiful Hidayat, keok oleh pasangan Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno. Apalagi selisihnya sangat banyak.
“Saya nggak percaya. Saya sampai nggak sanggup lagi lihat TV. Saya ambil itu remote control, saya banting!” kata Yudo saat ditemui detikX di Rumah Lembang, markas pemenangan pasangan Ahok-Djarot, seusai pencoblosan pada Rabu, 19 April lalu.
Yudo pun menuding kekalahan telak pasangan Ahok-Djarot itu lantaran isu suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA) yang digelorakan sejumlah ormas Islam pendukung pasangan Anies-Sandi.
“Itu karena kampanye yang digelorakan orang-orang FPI. Orang-orang pada malas datang ke kampanye karena takut dikepung,” ujar Yudo.
Hal yang sama dikatakan Salmah, relawan pendukung Ahok-Djarot asal Cengkareng, Jakarta barat. “Biang kekalahan Ahok itu adalah Rizieq Syihab. Terus terang saja, saya ini muslim, saya tidak setuju apa yang diucapkan Rizieq!” kata Salmah.
Pasangan calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta petahana Basuki Tjahaja Purnama dan Djarot Saiful Hidayat menggelar jumpa pers Rabu (19/4). Keduanya menanggapi hasil hitung cepat dan mengucapkan selamat kepada Anies-Sandi.
Foto: Agung Pambudhy/detikcom
Selamat untuk Pak Anies dan Pak Sandi, juga seluruh timses pendukung. Kita semua sama, kita ingin Jakarta baik, karena Jakarta rumah kita bersama.”
Perempuan berusia 65 tahun itu menjadi pendukung Ahok sejak mantan Bupati Belitung Timur tersebut maju bersama Joko Widodo dalam pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2012.
Salmah pun mengaku hatinya remuk saat mengetahui Ahok-Djarot kalah oleh pasangan Anies-Sandi. “Pas lihat hasil quick count… haduh...,” ucapnya singkat.
Hasil menyedihkan yang diperoleh pasangan Ahok-Djarot ini juga tidak disangka tim sukses dari partai pendukung. Politikus Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Aria Bima, bahkan menyebut hasil yang diperoleh pasangan Ahok-Djarot sebuah anomali.
Hasil tak mengenakkan ini pun langsung dibahas tim sukses di kamar nomor 32 Hotel Pullman Jakarta, 19 April. Elite partai pendukung tidak mengira selisih suara Ahok-Djarot sangat tajam.
“Kok ini bedanya bisa 18 persen begini? Padahal, dari survei sebelumnya, selisihnya tipis. Ini sangat anomali, bedanya sampai belasan persen,” kata Aria Bima sambil geleng-geleng.
Habib Rizieq turut hadir di Masjid Istiqal saat jemaah Tamasya Al-Maidah berkumpul di Jakarta, Rabu (19/4).
Foto: Hesti Rika/CNN Indonesia
Menurut Aria, kekalahan telak Ahok-Djarot sangat tidak wajar dalam proses pilkada. Sementara itu, politikus Golkar, Ace Hasan Syadzily, saat ditanya soal kekalahan Ahok hanya menjawab singkat, “Politik memang kejam.”
Evaluasi pun akan segera dilakukan partai pendukung dan relawan. Beberapa indikator penyebab dicoba disingkap, terutama menjelang putaran kedua.
Pasalnya, perolehan suara Ahok-Djarot nyaris tidak bergerak dari hasil perolehan pada putaran pertama, bahkan turun. Pada pilkada putaran pertama, berdasarkan hasil penghitungan resmi Komisi Pemilihan Umum DKI Jakarta 26 Februari lalu, pasangan Ahok-Djarot meraih 2.364.577 suara atau 42,99 persen.
Sedangkan pada putaran kedua ini, suara yang diraup Ahok-Djarot sebesar 42,05 persen (2.351.438 suara). Perolehan suara Anies-Sandi, yang pada putaran pertama sebesar 39,97 persen (2.193.530 suara), kini naik signifikan menjadi 57,95 persen (3.240.379 suara).
Pukul 16.00 WIB hari itu, melihat hasil hitung cepat sudah menunjukkan dirinya kalah, Ahok, yang berada di Hotel Pullman Jakarta, ingin segera menggelar jumpa pers. Namun langkahnya dicegah karena menunggu konsultasi dengan pimpinan parpol pendukung.
Setelah mendapat restu dari pimpinan parpol, Ahok pun berpidato di depan media. Secara legawa, Ahok menerima kekalahan. Ia berjanji akan merampungkan pekerjaan rumah yang belum diselesaikan dengan cepat.
“Selamat untuk Pak Anies dan Pak Sandi, juga seluruh timses pendukung. Kita semua sama, kita ingin Jakarta baik, karena Jakarta rumah kita bersama,” kata Ahok. 
Seorang konsultan politik pasangan Ahok-Djarot yang enggan disebut namanya dengan alasan profesionalitas menyebutkan kekalahan Ahok disebabkan oleh Ahok sendiri.
Ahok dinilai tidak menjalankan narasi yang disusun oleh tim pemenangan alias berjalan sendiri. “Ahok tidak pernah mau mendengarkan saran tim pemenangan dan memilih caranya sendiri,” begitu kata pria yang mengawal Ahok sejak pilgub 2012 itu.
Ia mencontohkan, memasuki putaran kedua, sosok Ahok yang fenomenal sudah hilang dari diri Ahok. Sebab, Ahok menjadi begitu santun. “Apa bedanya dengan kubu Anies yang menjual kesantunannya?” ucap dia.
Ia juga menyayangkan, menjelang putaran kedua, Ahok justru tidak pernah blusukan ke “darat” dan memilih eksis di media sosial. Padahal, dengan blusukan, persepsi masyarakat yang sudah termakan isu SARA setidaknya bisa diubah jika Ahok menyapa warga secara langsung.
Real count tim pemenangan Ahok-Djarot pada pilkada Jakarta putaran kedua di Hotel Pullman Jakarta, Rabu (19/4).
Foto: Adhi Wicaksono/CNN Indonesia
Kondisi tersebut diperparah oleh aktivitas “fansboy” Ahok yang kelewatan dan cenderung mengultuskan Ahok layaknya seorang nabi. Hal ini kemudian semakin menjauhkan Ahok dari kalangan warga yang belum menentukan pilihan.
Sedangkan Guntur Romli, salah satu anggota tim relawan Ahok-Djarot, melihat kekalahan Ahok lebih disebabkan oleh jagoannya tidak bisa menjanjikan surga. “Pak Ahok itu bisa ngurusin orang dari lahir sampai meninggal. Tapi ada satu yang tidak bisa dipastikan oleh Ahok, yaitu surga, ha-ha-ha…,” ujar Guntur berseloroh.
Dengan kata lain, kata Guntur, yang jadi penyebab kekalahan Ahok lebih dominan adalah adanya sentimen agama.
Namun tudingan Guntur dibantah M. Taufik dari tim pemenangan Anies-Sandi. Kata Taufik, tuduhan itu tidak berdasar. Sebab, pasangan Anies selama ini merangkul semua golongan, baik dari segi agama maupun ras.
“Mana bela-bela Islam itu? Pendeta, orang Batak, dan China saja kita kumpulin,” tutur politikus Partai Gerindra ini.
Menurut Taufik, kemenangan Anies-Sandi merupakan takdir Tuhan. “Kunci kemenangannya adalah manajemen Tuhan itu. Tuhan yang mengatur semuanya itu,” ujar Taufik.
Hal lain yang membuat Anies-Sandi bisa menyalip dominasi Ahok-Djarot, yang sebelumnya diunggulkan, kata Taufik, adalah semakin banyaknya warga yang marah kepada Ahok sehingga memilih Anies.
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama menerima Anies Baswedan di Balai Kota, Kamis (20/4). Keduanya sepakat menjaga persatuan.
Foto: Adhi Wicaksono/CNN Indonesia
Posisi Anies-Sandi sebagai titik kumpul pemilih yang anti-Ahok dibenarkan founderLingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI) Denny Januar Ali.
“Kubu Anies-Sandi menjadi melting pot, tempat berkumpulnya, segmen anti-Ahok,” tutur Denny dalam keterangan tertulisnya.
Ada dua segmen pemilih yang mencoblos Anies-Sandi. Pertama, warga Jakarta yang mendukung dan menyukai Anies-Sandi. Kedua, warga Jakarta yang tidak ingin Ahok menang.
“Paling banyak memang pendukung Anies. Tapi tak sedikit pula yang menjadikan Anies sebagai cara mengalahkan Ahok. Dari hasil survei, data yang punya efek elektoral negatif pada Ahok masih besar," ujar Denny.
Faktor lainnya, gerakan tim Anies-Sandi, termasuk tim dari Partai Gerindra, di media sosial pada pekan-pekan terakhir begitu masif dan efektif.
Misalnya, mereka menyebarkan pesan-pesan Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra Prabowo soal isu kebangsaan. Dan menjamin Anies-Sandi akan merawat keberagaman dan tidak mengkhianati NKRI ataupun Pancasila.
"Kita sudahi Jakarta yang gaduh dan terbelah di bawah gubernur lama. Bisnis memerlukan rasa aman. Ekonomi perlu stabilitas politik. Ini lebih bisa diberikan oleh Anies-Sandi," demikian pernyataan Prabowo yang tersebar melalui media sosial 
Kesalahan kubu Ahok-Djarot yang ketahuan menyebar bahan kebutuhan pokok pada minggu tenang juga menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab raihan suara Anies-Sandi meroket. Hal ini disebutnya sebagai blunder elektoral oleh Ahok.

Reporter: Ibad Durohman, Gresnia Arela F.
Redaktur: Deden Gunawan
Editor: Irwan Nugroho
Desainer: Luthfy Syahban
Rubrik Investigasi mengupas isu panas terbaru yang mendapat perhatian besar publik secara mendalam. Isu ini mencakup politik, hukum, kriminal, dan lingkungan.

Source image: https://x.detik.com/detail/investigasi/20170421/Sentimen-Agama-dan-Blunder-Ahok/index.php

High Traffic Within 24 Hours

I want to live on earth as in heaven. I know you want to live on earth as in heaven too. Together we want to live on earth as in heaven.

If all human beings want to live on earth as in heaven, then evil will wane quickly. And that's when peace comes down to earth.

Matthew {6:10} Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

I am happy. You are happy. All humans will be happy. :)

High Traffic Within 24 Hours

By Richard Nata

This article was published under the title "High Traffic in One Day" on December 30, 2015, in the Wire.
High traffic within 24 Hours? You certainly do not believe this. First, I did not believe it too. But, we will believe it after we read, learn and practice these guidelines.
High traffic within 24 Hours, no longer is a dream, if we practice the guidelines below.
All websites, blogs, online stores or the owner of the account on YouTube, definitely want to get the high traffic. Because of what? Because, if our visitors are thousands or tens of thousands of people per day, then we will get a lot of money. And, if our traffic is not much, then we will only get a little money as well. In fact, it is possible, if we do not get the money at all.
Free stock photo of marketing, hands, internet, glass

It can be formulated as follows:
High traffic – Getting much more money – Make us rich.
Little traffic – Getting a little money – Don’t make us rich.
No traffic – No money.
Neil Pate said, “But if no one visits your blog, how are you going to generate those links, or, even more, traffic, or sales?”
Before getting high traffic, then we have to decide:
1. The purpose we write the articles.
We must know our readers. Who is our target market? Who are we writing to?
3. How long does it take to make an article?
4. How many words will we write an article?
5. How many articles we publish every month?
6. What are the things that can give high traffic to us?
Here’s a list of what things that could improve the traffic of our website/blog:
1. Articles.
a. The title of the article. We must be able to give an interesting title so that people will click on and read the contents of our article.
b. The first opening sentence or paragraph that makes people feel curious to read the entire article.
c. The contents of the article should make the readers feel happy that they want to re-visit our website/blog.
d. The article is accompanied by pictures/photos/images are interesting, related to the content of the article.
e. The article is accompanied by a video that is interesting, related to the contents of the article.
f. The article is accompanied by internal links within the article.
g. The article is accompanied by external links to a variety of the top websites in the article.
h. Articles should be accompanied by a deep analysis on specific topics.
i. The article consists of 1,000+ words. Most good consisting of 3,000-10,000 words.
j. The article is accompanied by a conclusion.
k. The article has an invitation to read our article via social media buttons provided.
l. The article is written in simple language and easy to understand so that it can be read and understood by children aged 12 years.
m. Other articles should also contain points a-l above.
n. The number of articles on our blog. The more the number of articles on the website/blog, the better. Therefore, we have to frequently update the new articles to our website/blog. If possible, then create and publish 10+ articles per day. 
We have two ways to write the articles. First, do it yourself. Second, pay someone to do it. Third, you create articles plus articles made by others, which we will publish on our website/blog.
If you do not know where to go looking for a professional writer, then you can contact me🙂
o. Button to share articles to social media. The more social media provided a button, it will be better for the growth of traffic on our website/blog.
Social media is often used to deploy the article is Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, StumbleUpon, etc.
Remember this. Create “high evergreen articles” so that your articles will continue to be read for many years after being issued. Examples of high evergreen articles is an article that you are reading at this time. 🙂
In addition to high evergreens articles, then we also have to make an article, which is expected to be viral in our society.
The secret of making our articles become viral is a deep analysis of 3,000 to 10,000 words according to Buzzsumo. Because people would rather share deep articles with the analysis of the short articles.
2. Website/blog.
a. Design. Make a good design so that visitors linger while visiting a website/blog.
b. Layout. There are a balance and harmony in arranging articles, advertisements, pictures/photos/images, related articles, videos, and others.
c. Mobile friendly. Mobile phone users have no difficulty when reading the article.
d. The faster time loading the better.
3. The people.
a. The authors of the articles.
b. Editor.
c. Readers of the articles.
d. Other bloggers.
e. Advertisers.
We should show the good relationship with all of them if we want to get high traffic to our website/blog.
If our website or blog has become big, then we also need to keep up the good relationship with journalists and/or the media. So that they can cover stories that discuss our business and/or our website/blog.
4. Network
We must build a network, by building a good relationship with people as it is written in number 3 above. In addition, we can also active in various forums and communities that exist or we build a new community/forum.
We are actively commenting on as many websites, blogs, forums or communities. Then, we insert links to our website/blog in the comments. Therefore, we have commented in accordance with the topics discussed. And, we give troubleshooting or similar article is accompanied by the links to our website/blog.
We can also answer a variety of questions in QuoraAskYAHOO! ANSWERWARRIOR FORUMLinkedIn, etc. If the readers like our answer then they will visit our website/blog.
We also have to connect our website/blog with all the social media. Because more and more of our articles distributed to social media, the more we get traffic from a variety of social media.
5. Strategies.
a. Conduct research. The research will be maximized if done before we start to create a website/blog, by doing research when creating themes, topics, and keywords that will be used to create the articles.
b. Diligently send new articles to social media and search engines.
c. Diligent is a guest post on a variety of top websites. By doing this, we will have three advantages. First, we will be regarded as an expert when our writing appeared on many top websites in the world. Second, we will get the money as a payment on the articles that we make. Third, our website/blog will get high traffic because of the many new visitors. These new visitors come because they had read our articles on other websites.
We should try to publish at least one article on top websites like CrakedBuzzFeedNew York Post, etc. Because of an article published, there can be read by hundreds of thousands of times and even some of them can be clicked more than a million times.
If our article read by three hundred thousand people and 1% of them visits our website/blog, then we get three thousand new visitors. If the average visitor clicks three times, then we got an extra 9,000 clicks from an article that appeared in the top of the website.
d. Use of SEO for the website/blog, then we can quickly get to the first page with a lot of keywords. Make a habit of using Long-tail keywords.
e. Do not forget to give related posts under conclusions. So that after the readers finish reading, they can continue to read another article.
f. If we offer products and/or services, then we must give a great discount at certain times. Everyone loves when given a discount. 🙂
g. Give the gift or giveaway a book or eBook so that readers subscribe their email address so we can build the email marketing.
h. We must give the latest articles to people based on existing email marketing.
i. From time to time we are holding a contest with prizes iPhone or iPad, then we will get thousands or tens of thousands of new emails from the contest participant.
j. In addition to promoting our articles on the social media, we can also promote through advertising media, both free and paid advertising.
k. How to make a great article is to do some research on the top websites. Then, look for the most widely-read article. After that, we create a better article.
Don’t wish it was easier. But we can make it simple and focused. We need to work smarter so that we can get high traffic in 24 hours.
  1. The articles on our website/blog: An interesting title + high evergreen content + internal & external links + button to share articles to social media + promotion = Go viral. 
  2. The guest poster on top websites: An interesting title + high evergreen content + Insert links to our website/blog + a deep analysis + promotion = Go viral. 
  3. If possible, then create and publish 10+ articles per day + one guest post on the top website = Go viral. 
  4. Tells everyone about our articles and make them share our articles (go viral).
  5. If 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = High traffic in 24 hours.
So what are you waiting for? Practice all the above guidelines and get high traffic in 24 hours.
Finally, if you find this article useful, please share worldwide.
Do you have any other tips that do not exist in the list above? If yes, write your tips in the comments.

Do you have other strategies to increase traffic to your website/blog? If yes, write your strategies in the comments.

This article is being developed into a book entitled "250 Best Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic Fast."

My plan: The book is published on Amazon on November 1, 2017.

If you give your email to me then you will be given this eBook for free when first published on Amazon.

If you want to get more tips about increase traffic fast, then read the additional tips in the book "How to Create Great Articles for SEO in Three Hours."

5 tips to improve your writing

Getting Started with Google Analytics

Getting Started with Google AdWords

How To Write Fast: 8 Secrets To Better, Quicker Content Creation

My bio:
Richard Nata is the author of:

Contact Richard Nata in life on earth as in heaven.

If you want to get high-quality articles then please do not hesitate to contact me at richard.nata@yahoo.co.id.
You might also like::
1. Love Story. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/love-story.html 1767 words
2. BUSINESS PLAN A STORY WITH MILLIONS OF CHOICES IN IT.http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/business-plan-story-with-millions-of.html
3. 50 Proofs Muhammad is the Antichrist. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/50-proofs-muhammad-is-antichrist.html

6. 20 Unique Things That You Didn't Know About Star Wars. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/20-unique-things-that-you-didnt-know.html
7. Why are we always ups and downs in sins? http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/why-we-are-always-ups-and-downs-in-sin.html
8. Funny Memories With Anton, My Best Friend (True Story). http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/funny-memories-with-anton-my-best.html

9. Gun Control: Obama VS Congress. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/gun-control-obama-vs-congress.html
10. The First Page of Google Ranking With Long-Tail Keywords or My Google+. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2016/02/the-first-page-of-google-ranking-with.html
11. I Can Create the First Page of Google Ranking for $300 per Article. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/i-can-create-first-page-of-google.html
12. Magazines And Websites That Pay High Freelance Christian Writers. http://lifeonearthasinheaven.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/magazines-and-websites-that-pay-high.html 

If you want to get high-quality articles then please do not hesitate to contact me at richard.nata@yahoo.co.id.

I hope this article is useful to all of us.

Thank you.



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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to Take Advantage of Social Media (Part II)

How to Take Advantage of Social Media (Part II)

How to Take Advantage of Social Media (Part II)
Part I: http://richardnata.blogspot.co.id/2017/10/how-to-take-advantage-of-social-media.html
Welcome back for Part II of our series on how to take advantage of social media. For Part I, we spoke with La Carmina, and Scott Isbell. With the latest entry, we were lucky enough to get responses from Maria Johnsen, Ameyaw Debrah, and Sam Hurley; who offered a wide range of experiences from across the world.
Johnsen spoke about how she approaches building campaigns for her clients; Debrah told us how he started blogging in a country where the concept was foreign; and Hurley talked about how he’s used social media to build his personal brand.

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CEO and Founder of multilingual digital marketing company, Golden Way Media, and digital marketing influencer. 
Social media is the most important ingredient in digital marketing. Some companies don’t include social media in their campaigns which is a big mistake. We usually combine content marketing, [and] search engine optimization with social media marketing. I start with planning the timing, channels, languages, audience, gender, age and then create campaigns for my business and my clients’ campaigns. I never use my customers’ campaigns on my own channels. I always create customized channels for my clients.
High quality and compelling content gets more clicks on social media, if it is done right. We use some strategies to land sales via social media. Running campaigns on social media is similar to running a Google Adwords campaign with some differences.
The audience on social media is not looking [to buy] anything. So you have to combine some strategies to trigger [an] emotional response. For example: when I want to get prospects’ attention for my client who runs a dental clinic, I use hashtags and compelling images that have something to do with dental treatment. Using hashtags helps with sales.
We don’t rely on Google search anymore. Twitter search is a great tool to find news about companies or products. If I want to find a reliable provider, I use [the] twitter search function. If a company’s website is not working on my end, I head [over to] Twitter’s search to see if other members who use that company have the same problem.
When it comes to dealing with a business, I look for their channels on social media. If they don’t have a social presence, I don’t consider them serious in business.
We also use paid advertising on social media for example: Facebook‘s search has a lot of profitable keywords which can be used to target the right audience for our clients. Placing ads on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn can be good to drive in customers for our clients.
The truth is that Facebook advertising is never complete without touching on Facebook’s behemoth of advertising networks such as: custom pixels, lookalike audiences, and custom audiences, you’ve just run short of excuses for “not being there”. When I want to run my client’s ads on Facebook I create several ads and run A/B testing to find my winning campaigns. This way I am able to land sales for my customers.
It is significant to note that social platforms may work better in some industries than others.
Another aspect is to use creative images for each campaign. Since I work on multilingual websites in Europe and North America, I use different strategies when it comes to using images. Some images may get more clicks in a country while the same images may not work in another country. Therefore, knowing cultures, languages and buyer behavior is important to determine what works and what doesn’t in each region. I use color psychology to trigger emotional response.
When I want to run a tech campaign, I use black and white in retro style. This triggers tech savvy people’s response while in a travel campaign on social media, I use vivid colors to trigger daydreaming, pleasant feelings, love and romantic feelings.
Award winning celebrity and lifestyle blogger and journalist based in Accra, Ghana
The emergence and growth of social media in Ghana and other parts of Africa has been of great benefit to most of us who work within new media, as well as other traditional jobs. It serves as a tool to reach audiences we probably didn’t know we could reach.
I started blogging some odd 9 years ago, at a time when the concept of blogging was new to Ghanaians, and at a time when social media was taking shape all over the world. Right from the beginning, I used social media to promote my blog by sharing content from the blog with friends/ followers. It was a great synergy – friends/followers on social media would see content from my blog and click to go and read, and more people started following me on social media because I became the cool guy to follow to know what was happening in and around Ghana.
Over the years my following on social media grew so much that it was no longer just a tool for increasing website traffic, building conversions and creating brand identity of raising brand awareness.  It became a tool to share my voice and to influence. I now started using social media as a business tool by becoming an influencer for brands, social causes, as well as a tutor on how to use social media by sharing my experiences at seminars or forums.
Today, I charge brands to lead their campaigns and communications on social media – not just by selling the brands to the public, but testing how the public relates to them and giving feedback.
The services I provide include covering events live on social media for clients, using my network of influencers to start conversations for clients, strategizing social media campaigns for clients and more. Clients include musicians, movie producers and stars, fashion designers, technology and telecom companies, as well as travel and general lifestyle oriented companies.
I also manage social media for individuals and companies using my basic principal of: 1. Growing your Audience 2. Engaging your audience to sustain growth 3. Interacting with your audience.
Once you start gaining an audience, it is important to engage to give them a reason to continue to follow you or continue to trust you. Use engagement posts that may not necessarily be about your brand, but reflects issues of the day and issues that affect your audience. Interact with your audience to create trust and familiarity, make them feel like they know you – it is ‘social’ media after all!!
Growth Hacker + Social Media Influencer in SEO
I use Social Media as an extension of myself – nothing more, nothing less. Vibrant communication, humour and helping others are things I hold very close to my heart…and what better way to effectively channel or display them?!
The best part about social networking – I have been able to combine this with my professional endeavours so much so, I ventured into entrepreneurship a couple of months ago.
Twitter, LinkedIn and relationships are my lifeblood. They have enabled me to reach dizzy heights I never thought possible a few years previous. The fact you can literally reach out to ANYONE you want to in a few key strokes – I find that just incredible and each morning I make a habit of appreciating what the internet has given to us.
So, how have I utilized Social Media? I applied it to create my personal brand, to build strong connections with influential people and spread my message effectively – more so than any other method can provide (for relative costs).
I use the quick-fire, informal nature of Twitter to reach out to complete strangers and the business-focused sentiment of LinkedIn to nurture business relations, combining the two for maximum impact.
For my business, Social Media means fun, conversation, lead generation, email marketing, sales, culture, branding and conversion all rolled into one – above all…it’s just ‘me’. When that’s the case, it’s effortless. I love it!!!
My advice to others using social media marketing: Be yourself! Social Media is social. If you work for a corporate firm, guess what? It shouldn’t matter. Perceptions throughout c-suites need to change – there’s no room for stiff upper lips anymore. Get your GIF on! It’s time to drop the act and loosen up. With a little bit of effort, customers and clients will warm to your brand more than you ever hoped for.

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With computers becoming more advanced, how long will it be before your industry finds a way to replace you?

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Matt Goldman

Matt Goldman

Matt Goldman is a Content Marketer/Social Media Strategist for Tenfold. His writing has focused on social selling, marketing, as well as gamification.
Resource: https://www.tenfold.com/social-selling/-to-take-advantage-of-social-media-part-ii

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