Have you ever wanted to start feeding your dog real food but unsure of what you can and can't feed them? You could, of course, search online everytime but wouldn't it be handy if you had a print out that you can stick on your fridge?
Now you can!
We've prepared this high-quality print out that you can stick on your fridge or cupboard so that you can always refer to it when feeding your dog. There's also space for you to add your own food!
Disclaimer: Unless you are an expert in canine nutrition, your dog’s diet should be made up of nothing but high-quality food. This doesn’t mean that you can’t give him human food now and then. Please also consider speaking to your vet before you start your dog on a raw diet.
The printout is designed to be printed on A4 paper and stuck together using blue tack or tape. You'll need 8 sheets of paper, or you can print a smaller version over 4 pages.
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A word of caution
You may want to give your pup a little bit of what you are eating, mix something more interesting in his kibble or give him human food as a treat. But you should be mindful of what you are feeding him.
The digestive system of a dog is very different from that of humans and as such, some foods that are perfectly safe for us may pose harm to them. Before you go giving Roger something off your plate, ensure that it’s is safe for him to eat. If you’re worried about something your dog has eaten, be on the safe side and call your vet.
Can dogs eat apples?
Apples are a perfect treat for dogs according to the Modern Dog Magazine. Many dogs love them for their natural sweetness and they have a whole lot of nutritional benefits. They contain a significant amount of calcium and vitamins K and C.
The main problem with feeding apples to dogs is that the seeds and stem contain a chemical known as cyanogenic glycoside, otherwise known as cyanide. This can cause an upset stomach, and if ingested in large quantities, it can lead to more serious problems.
The good news is that to be dangerous, your pup would have to consume a lot of seeds. So don’t panic if he only swallows one or two of them. Dogs can eat apples but, to play on the safe side, remove the seeds along with the core.
Can dogs eat oatmeal?
Oatmeal is an excellent source of soluble fiber, which is particularly helpful to older dogs who are prone to having irregular bowels.
It also serves as a perfect alternative source of grain, in particular for dogs that are allergic to wheat. Fed in conjunction with probiotics, the functionality of oatmeal can be improved.
It’s important always to ensure that you cook the oatmeal before feeding it to your pup. It should also be served plain with no sugar or other flavorings. A teaspoon of peanut butter, however, wouldn’t do any harm. And yes, peanut butter is perfectly safe for dogs.
As always, you want to check with your vet before making any diet changes, as upsetting the mineral or nutrient balance can lead to an upset stomach.
Can dogs eat fish?
The quick answer is yes, but you should watch out for bones.
Fish bones are problematic because they can prove dangerous if ingested by dogs and end up lodged in the throat, or they can splinter. Internal bleeding may occur as a result.
If feeding fish to your dog, always ensure that you remove all the bones and triple check for any small ones that may be left. Fish is a healthy source of protein, a nutrient that dogs greatly benefit from.
It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids that help maintain healthy skin, promote mobility as well as joint health. This is why fish is included as an ingredient in many large breed puppy foods. Salmon is a good example of fish that’s safe for dogs. However, never feed it to your dog raw.
Can dogs eat avocado?
Avocados may be a healthy source of fat for humans, but in the case of animals, it can lead have some nasty side effects.
But, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says that, unless they eat a significant amount of flesh and peel, avocados shouldn't cause any more harm than a mild upset stomach.
If your dog eats an avocado whole, and you're worried that they've eaten the pit, contact your vet immediately as it can cause a blockage in their digestive tract.
All in all, an avocado is something you want to ensure stays away from the reach of your pup. If you intend to give him a treat in the form of this fruit, do it in small amounts, but to be honest, there are so many better options, you best stay away.
Can dogs eat mint?
Mint leaves are known for their distinctive, pleasant aroma and flavor. While many types of mint plants are perfectly safe for consumption by dogs, others are toxic, and you should avoid them.
According to the Continental Kennel Club, peppermint, spearmint and wild mint are safe mint species for dogs. The ASPCA, on the other hand, warns that the English pennyroyal is the only species of mint that is toxic to dogs. If ingested, it can lead to general weakness, vomiting or diarrhea.
You don’t have to worry if your pup eats most of the other types of mint. It’s, important that you limit this to a few leaves per day to prevent gastrointestinal issues from happening.
Can dogs eat peaches?
If fed in small amounts, peaches can be an excellent source of vitamin A and fiber.
It can help your pup’s immune system fight infections. But, like apple cores, the pit of peaches contains cyanide which is poisonous if ingested in large amounts.
Provided you cut out the pit before throwing a peach at your dog, you don’t have anything to worry about. Try and avoid canned peaches, because they contain high amounts of sugary additives.
Can dogs eat pretzels?
Yes, but be aware of the salt.
Pretzels are almost as tasty a treat as popcorn, depending who you ask. There is no harm in sharing your pretzels with your dog. If he has a taste for them, go ahead and give him some as they don’t have health risks for dogs.
After all, pretzels are essentially bread. It’s important to note that, like popcorn, salted pretzels aren’t the best for a doggy. Don’t give him more than three per day and, whatever the case, they should always be unsalted.
Can dogs eat persimmons? (also known as sharon fruit)
But limit the amount and remove the seeds.
According to Canine Journal, be aware if you live in an area that’s home to persimmons, peaches, and plums.
Persimmon seeds, like plum and peach pits, contain cyanide which is toxic to animals.
WebMD Pets says that persimmon seeds can lead to inflammation of the small intestines in dogs. They can also lead to obstruction of the digestive system which would cause diarrhea. Despite the dangers, persimmon's have several health benefits. They're a good source of iron, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
Can dogs eat cranberries?
Dogs shouldn't eat cranberries because they're hard to digest and they can give them an upset stomach.
The cranberry is a tart red berry that can be grown in your backyard, and is great for cakes and recipes, but not for doggy.
Cranberries are high in antioxidants, rich in vitamins and minerals and they are low in sugar. They are also good for treating infections in the human urinary tract.
So why aren't they great for dogs?
Cranberries move down the digestive tract of a dog much like marbles and take a long time to digest. But all isn't lost. You can give your dog cranberry juice which would give them some of benefits. Just make sure that you give them cranberry juice that is free of preservatives and added sugars.
Can dogs eat nectarines?
Nectarines are good for dogs as an occasional snack.
Give them in small quantities and make sure they're pitted. You have to exercise extra caution if you grow a nectarine tree in your backyard.
This is because ingesting the fruit whole along with the pit can lead to an upset stomach. Also, too many of them wouldn’t be good for your dog.
As with apples, plums, and peaches, nectarine pits contain cyanide. Eating too many can lead to discomfort and gastrointestinal infections in extreme cases.
Just make sure that you cut nectarines and remove the pits before offering them to your dog.
Can dogs eat dates?
They're great as a delicious treat to your dog, as long as you remove the pit first.
This is because it can get lodged in the throat, making it a choking hazard. In extreme cases, the pit can end up in the small intestines and cause a blockage.
This can kill your dog.
Give him dates as an occasional treat in small doses. Too many of them can lead to issues like gas and diarrhea. Keep in mind that dates contain high levels of sugar and too much of that can cause issues like tooth decay.
Eating too many can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Dates are a great source of vitamins A1, B1, B2, B3, and B5 & C.
They also contain loads of magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, proteins, manganese, calcium, iron, and dietary fiber - all good stuff.
Can dogs eat spinach?
We get asked if spinach is good for dogs all the time. It provides a lot of health benefits to us humans but just how good is it for dogs?
The good news is that for the most part, Spinach is an excellent vegetable for your pup. Like most human foods on this post, moderation is key.
There is no harm in giving him a leaf if he looks at you with puppy eyes as you prepare dinner.
Adding pureed or steamed spinach to his kibble is a great way to add variety to their diet. Introduce vegetables to your dog’s diet gradually.
Start with small servings and increase them to larger ones with time. Spinach is a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, & K. It is also a good source of fiber, which helps promote defecation and stimulate the digestive tract.
Can dogs eat figs?
Among the many fruits that dogs are allowed to consume, figs one of them.
They are highly beneficial to your pup as they contain valuable nutrients such as fiber and potassium.
Figs are also good for your dog’s digestive tract as well as their immune system. Figs are a sure way to keep your dog happy and healthy.
Like many other foods, figs come with a few concerns attached. For starters, your dog should eat figs in small sizes to avoid choking.
You should also not give figs to a dog that has allergic reactions to them. Try a small amount first to see how they react. And as with all things, moderation is necessary.
Eating too many figs can upset your dog’s stomach leading to discomfort. Be careful with the leaves of a fig tree.
The variety Ficus Benjamina to be specific, are poisonous to dogs, horses and cats. If ingested, they can lead to salivation, oral irritation, and vomiting.
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Dogs can eat a maximum of one walnut per day, but we don't recommend your dog eats any nuts.
When discussing the toxicity of walnuts, there are many things that we should consider.
Black walnuts are harmful to dogs and horses but not cats.
The hulls of a walnut are poisonous. They can lead to seizures and tremors due to the presence of a toxin called
Penitrem A. It's best to steer clear of all nuts because there's no telling what even a small amount might do to your dogs.
But can dogs eat peanut butter?
You shouldn't feed your dogs any nuts, but peanut butter is perfectly fine for dogs.
Be careful on the portion sizes though, peanut butter is made from fat which means too much of it will make you and your dog overweight.
Peanuts aren't actually nuts, they're
legumes which mean that they're full of good vitamins like vitamin B, vitamin E, and niacin.
You can always use peanut butter as a treat whilst teaching pooch new tricks or spreading their kong toy with it to keep them occupied.
Can dogs eat lobster?
Dogs can eat and enjoy lobster. But we don't think it's necessary to give it to them.
Start off with a very small amount as some dogs can be allergic to shellfish like mussels, prawns or shrimp.
Also, you should take care not to give your dog too much lobster as this can lead to stomach upsets. Lobster can be quite fattening and the sodium (salt) levels are high.
Sodium can lead to kidney damage, which can lead to coma or death if not treated in time. The negative effects of lobster on dogs outweigh the positive ones in this regard. It’s better to look for other sources of protein that is less fattening and doesn't contain so much sodium.
Can dogs eat mustard?
Mustard is toxic to dogs and can induce diarrhea and vomiting.
It may prove useful for a dog that has ingested something she shouldn’t. Veterinarians often recommend a small amount of mustard mixed with water to induce vomiting.
The good news for you is that if consumed in small quantities, mustard doesn’t have that bad an effect on your pooch.
All in all, mustard is not recommended for dogs unless medically needed as cited above.
Can dogs eat lettuce?
It is entirely safe for dogs to eat lettuce. Whether it’s Romaine's or Icebergs, dogs can eat all forms of lettuce without cause for worry.
However, moderation is key as it’s not the softest or easiest thing to digest. Lettuce or other vegetables like potatoes, broccoli, and carrots aren’t easy to digest.
As such, they should be given in small pieces to avoid intestinal blockage and choking.
Don't give your dogs a whole salad as your pup often ends up consuming unnecessary fats and calories.
Steamed lettuce contains the highest amount of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, hence why it’s best for dogs.
Lettuce are low-calorie, they contain a a good amount of fiber, beta carotene, folate and vitamins A, C & K.
Can dogs eat almonds?
While they aren’t as toxic as other nuts, almonds are not safe snacks for dogs.
According to The American Kennel Club, almonds can lead to gastrointestinal distress because dogs don’t digest them well.
This can lead to several nasty symptoms like tiredness discomfort, loss of appetite, gas, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Also, almonds contain a high fat content which can increase the risk of pancreatitis. Obstruction is also another serious problem in dogs that can occur as a result of eating almonds.
This applies in particular to small breeds and puppies. Obstructions in the esophagus, intestines and windpipes may occasionally need surgery. Avoid.
Can dogs eat cabbage?
In fact, dogs love cabbage. Regardless of the type, cabbage contains many antioxidants and aids in fighting cancer.
It's good for the skin and helps with digestion. It can lead to discomfort and gas if consumed in large amounts.
It's important that you feed your dog small quantities of cabbage with their dinner or as a snack.
A few final thoughts
It's almost impossible to list all the human foods out there. We hope this guide provides a good idea of some of the weirder foods out there.
With most foods, moderation is key if you want to get all the benefits while lowering the risks.
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